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a/n: SUPER LONG CHAPTER TODAY AHH! get ready for all your McKenna & Harry feels to overflow!! also photo above is harry & kenna's outfits for today 🤍

McKenna Prentiss | March 4, 2018

    "McKenna." Someone nudges my shoulder, and I push their hand away, but it finds its way back on my shoulder, shaking me awake.

    "McKenna wake- OW!" The person yelps in pain as I slap them, unintentionally if I may add. This jolted me awake, and I saw Harry on the floor, rubbing his cheek that was currently throbbing red.

    "Wha- Why are you here?" I ask, pulling the blanket up to my chest since I wasn't really wearing a bra, and I was only in a sleep shirt and my underwear.

    "Gee, I'm sorry Harry! Could've started with that." He huffed out, his hand still on his cheek, and I look at him in confusion. Oh.

    "Why would I say sorry for something I didn't mean to do?" I shrug, laying back in bed to try to go back to sleep.

    "Are you seriously going back to sleep now?" He huffs out and I roll my eyes, even if it's closed, seriously does this guy have nothing to do?

    "Keep huffing, Harry, you ain't blowing this house down." I sass back, pulling the blanket over my head so he could leave me alone.

    "But I know what you could blow." He teases suggestively and I pull the blanket down, turning to him and giving him a glare.

    "You seriously have an innuendo for everything, do you?" I ask him, crossing my arms, and the smirk returns to his face, wiggling his brows at me.

    "So, why are you here?" I ask him, and he pushes his index finger to my lips.

    "Shush, now get up and get dressed." He instructs, and I furrow my brows at him.

    "Wh- It's my da-" He cuts me off again, placing his entire hand on top of my mouth, cutting me off from speaking any longer.

    "Yeah, I know. So get dressed, get ready! I'll meet you once your done, hopefully fully clothed this time." He smirks, and I glare at him. His hand was still on my mouth so, for good measure, and to annoy the hell out of him, I lick his hand, to which he pulls his hand back instantly.

    "Did you just-" He cuts himself off, wiping his hand on his jeans. It was only now that I noticed he was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a black sweater with the planets going around it.

    "What do you have up your sleeve, Styles?" I ask, and he shrugs.

    "Just get up already!" He was pulling on the blanket, and I held it close to my chest in fear he would pull it off my body entirely.

    "I will! I'll get up when you leave the room." I say, motioning to the door so he could get the hint.

    "You naked under there, Prentiss?" He smirks, holding the end of the blanket, threatening to pull it off me.

    "No, I'm not! Just, leave please." He pulls the blanket, much to my dismay, but only pulling it just below my breasts.

    "Harry!" I shriek, crossing my arms over my chest, widening my eyes at him.

    "Shh, not too loud angel, Zoe's right next door." He smirks, and I gave him a glare. He raises his hands in surrender, dropping the blanket, and finally walks to exit my room.

    "Get ready McKenna! I'll meet you outside in 30!" He yells out, finally exiting my room. I flop back in bed, and let out a sigh, this man will be the death of me, I swear.

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