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*trigger warning: rape & physical assault*

McKenna Prentiss | July 3, 2018

"Of course we're pressing charges! That was sexual assault, McKenna, not to mention physical assault too! You're delusional if you think I'm letting him get away with this!" Zoe was pacing back and forth in my kitchen, her hands were moving animatedly as she argues how Dylan doesn't love me and that he's using me for fame.

Sure what Dylan did was wrong, but he was protective, a bit too protective, but I bet he was just showing his love differently.

"Zoe, calm down. He-" She cut me off. Kelsey and Niall just sat there, their wide eyes looking at Zoe who I think was about to combust due to her anger.

"Calm down? Calm down? McKenna he almost raped you! I don't care if he's your 'boyfriend', but as long as there was no consent, it's rape! I can't believe your defending this scumbag." My eyes narrowed at her, and I turn my head to meet Kelsey and Niall's gaze. They both shrug, as if they were agreeing with what Zoe was saying.

"He said he was sorry!" I argued back, and the three figures just shook their heads at me.

"Zoe has a point." Niall spoke up, and I turn to him, my gaze narrowing at him and he cowers. Yeah, be scared of me, not Zoe.

After interrupting Kelsey and Niall's conversation in my studio a few days ago, I had forced them to tell me what they decided not to tell me.

Turns out, Niall called Harry and in turn, Harry called Zoe and told her that whatever I say they will be pressing charges on my behalf.

I can't deal with another scandal, or rumor to my name. I've had enough in the past, and especially the whole framing thing with my parents the past year, I don't think I can handle any beating from the media.

"What do you think, Kelsey?" I asked the brunette sitting across from me on the kitchen counter, she was the only one who hadn't spoken up since Zoe started to ramble on about pressing charges, and I needed to hear her opinion.

"I think you should press charges, and break up with him. He's no good for you Kennie. After everything you've been through, do you think you deserve to be with a psychopath?" Kelsey's words were stern and harsh, but she delivered them with so much concern.

It was also a good thing that my parents decided to stay in South Carolina for a few more days. I'm sure if they were here, Dylan would end up six feet underground, literally.

"Fine, I'll break up with him." This earned a sigh in relief from Niall and Zoe, "But we're not pressing charges."

"Have you gone mad?" Zoe looked at me with wide yet disproving eyes. I narrowed mine at her, giving her a deadpanned look.

"No, actually, I haven't." I answered Zoe in the most monotone voice I could muster, which made her roll her eyes.

"If she doesn't wanna press charges then let's not pressure her. Just let her break up with him so he's gone from her life, for good." Kelsey speaks as if I'm not in the room.

"You bet he's going to be gone for good, if we're not pressing charges at least get a fucking restraining order. I'm going to call management and get you a different guitarist." Zoe excuses herself as she leaves the kitchen to call management.

Another change since we got back was that Zoe was now my manager and assistant. I had spoken to management about the shift in her jobs, and they happily agreed, saying how since I'm going to venture into my own sort of 'fame', I need a different manager from my parents. Zoe was happy to take the job, even if it meant twice the job for her.

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