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McKenna Prentiss | February 18, 2017

She looks into a mirror
Wishing someone could love her, so loud
I need love.

    I stare at the lyrics that were messily written on my journal. This is starting to sound stupid, do people even want to hear a song about a girl who needs love?

    I scribble out the lyrics, but then something inside me clicks. What if I don't sing this song? What if I give it to another artist? I could give it to Jamie? He could give it to an artist he's working with. I could write this from an outsider's point of view.

The coffee's cold
He turned around and said 'I hope you know
You're beautiful, have you ever been told?'

    As I continue writing the song, Zoe, my assistant, walks into the studio. She sits on the couch, opening her binder as she looks up to me.

    "Hey Kenna," she says, glancing at me with a smile. I respond with a simple 'Hi', eyes glancing to her for a split second before focusing back on my journal. She continues on, reading off the binder on her lap, "You have a shoot with Victoria's Secret tomorrow in New York, flight is at 4am. The shoot is with Russel and Kelsey Merritt, just in case you'd want to know. Then you fly back home after your shoot."

    I nod at her, looking up to her to give her a small smile, "Anything happening after that?"

    She shakes her head, "You're free for the week."

I nod at Zoe, feeling my shoulders relax. I wanted to finish writing and recording this demo so I could sell it to Jamie, he would know exactly what to do.

    Management has been hounding me to release a full 16-track album in a span of 8 months, but I told them I couldn't. So they reduced it to 12, which was arguably still a lot, but I could manage.

    My first EP, "Colors" apparently didn't sit well with fans, claiming that I was trying to "force a Taylor Swift". I mean, what do you expect from a girl who was forced into making an EP in a span of three months, right after her heart was broken. Not to mention, having her heart been broken so publicly that it was all people could talk about for the past two months. Man was I naive to think I was enough for my ex-boyfriend.

    Maybe that's why I decided to become as private as I am now. I like that people don't know anything about me, except what I want them to know. I like my privacy, because it gave me something I could control. It's the only thing I could control. Once my name was thrown into the media, everyone assumed things about me, gossip blogs never ceased to create rumors regarding me and the people I "dated". At first it terrified me, I spend countless of night crying my eyes out, but I should've known what I was getting into.

    People like to create rumors, and oddly enough other people seemed to believe it. Which is why I decided to only share what I want them to know, and that was it.

    "Zoe, could you set a meeting with Jamie the second I get back from New York? Preferably at his studio?" I tell Zoe who just nods.

    "I'll give him a call now."

    "Thanks Zoe!" I say as she leaves the studio, binder in her hand, and phone to her ear as she calls Jamie.

    I turn back to my journal, trying to wrack my brain in hopes of writing some more lines, but my mind just goes blank. I groan and drop my head on my journal, this is frustrating enough as it gets. I decide to take a break and bother my parents instead, that'll distract me for the rest of the night.

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