Part 2

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Theme: Eight (Prod.&Feat. SUGA of BTS) by IU and SUGA
So I went, I already made profiles on each member of the class and remembered each of their different traits, Bakugo's rage, Midoriya's crush on Uraraka, Uraraka's crush on Midoriya etc. I entered they're classroom and took Mineta's spot, when they all walked in I moved most of the light to their section, but that took so much energy, that I fell asleep and moved all the light so it was in perfect equilibrium as I slept, I don't know why this always happened.
"Hey look at that, he's asleep," said Uraraka pointing it out to Izuku
'That must be his quirk then, better take notes on it,' thought Izuku
I then suddenly woke up due to a jolt of embarrassment
"Hello I am class representative, Tenya Iida!" shouted Iida while standing in a military position with a salute.
"I know who you all are," I stated after I yawned

Theme: Sashimi by Tunng

'"Hey, my name is Jane, but you can all call me J," that's what I'm expecting to happen as always I am making my way to school as I usually do by skating over the rain in the air, I don't mind getting my clothes wet on the way. I was wearing a vest under my uniform seeing as it was way hotter in Japan then in Colorado' So I skated for a while.
I then slowed down onto a ramp of ice, that I made that slid me all the way down to the cherry blossom road to get to class.
Seeing as the exam went well, I got allowed in. So I tucked the ice blades back into my shoes so I could walk normally
the first person I met had dirty blond hair in a style that almost represented a baby octopus hugging the top of his head.
"Are you Neito Monoma?" I asked
"Yes, who's aski–, damn whatta hottie," said Monoma the last bit being his 'testosterone' talking.
"I'm flattered, but I'm also your brother's ex," I replied. He then just stood there leaning on someone, jaw wide open as if he was a cartoon character, he then picked his jaw up from the floor,
"Can you get your motherfucking hands of my motherfucking shoulder or I will slit your throa–," said Manga who for some reason wasn't himself. "I apologize, I don't know what came over me,"
I then told him "it's chill" and Monoma asked me quote on quote "how the fuck did he go out with you on a date," I then proceeded to tell him about the whole encounter and how he befriended me first then asked me out a month after I got 'cheated' on he asked me how the hell the how that happened.

He then went ahead and walked to class alone I followed a few minutes after and accidentally stumbled into class 1-A accidentally, before immediately exiting as if someone was in there, I checked again and turned out it was just my imagination playing tricks on me.
"You must be the new student from Colorado, I'm the blood hero Vlad King," said a man who stood at about 6 foot 2.25 inches.
"Please call me J,"
"Of course, everyone this is J she'll be in our class, class 1-A was supposed to have a new student, but they'll be arriving next week." Said Vlad as if he was briefing them.
'I wonder what they'll be like' I thought
"Any questions?" asked the blood hero
3/4s of the class (2/3s being boys) were silent looking towards J, "please don't stare, it makes me nervous," 'this as always shows me who I can count on and who I can keep away from' as I said that 10 boys fainted while one of the guys was just looking at his phone. "Did I miss something?" Asked Juzo (the person on his phone)

Theme: King by Tunng

"I am aware of who you all are, and I'd like to introduce myself by writing a passage on the board, Iida, may I?" I asked kindly,
"go ahead, it is English next,"
"thank you."
so I walked up to the board keeping the light on their side to keep the tension high,
'''4' nothing knees stained with earth, when we went hiding, why don't you seek?, no-one came looking for me, your head is restless with greed.'' I wrote onto the board.
"Momo  Yaoyurozu," I exclaimed while moving the light towards the board,
"can you interpret the passage on the board,"
'since when could this punk decide to do what he wanted' muttered bakugo under his breath
I immediately shot daggers at Bakugo freezing him instantly, Kirishima instanly noticed and gave him a handkerchief with his phone number on it.
'what the fuck, I can't move, what is this' he thought seeing as he couldn't do anything
"if your wondering this was my sole request for transferring here, that I could test out the classes' intellectual prowess" I continued
"is it as in that you didn't have good family life due to the attention was sapped away from you and to a different thing, and leaving you 'alone in the dark', maybe you were left alone due to having a little sister or brother leaving you alone" stated Momo before being interrupted by Midoriya
Aizawa then rolled into the room and noticed everyone in the class in a discussion while thinking 'this is very fucking odd'
"well it couldn't have been a sibling because if not he would've possibly looked after the child and it doesn't appear to be any marks or scars on his face from play fighting, knowing our society it could've been a quirk of sorts, which might I add he does have an impressive quirk," Midoriya rambled as Toshi was playing with fire by juggling it in a circle, "only some of what you've said Momo is correct, but Midoriya is on the right track,"
"but seeing as he's letting us solve this passage which is a riddle of sorts meaning he likes riddles and riddles are a kind of puzzle and puzzles get physically manipulated, which means he is obviously incredibly intelligent and a master manipulator, which is a symptom of APD or Antisocial Personality Disorder, but shows up as two different personalities"
"psychopaths and sociopaths," said Kirishima
"guys I think you have decoded enough of me" said Toshi attempting to dissolve the discussion,
"oh fuck it"
Toshi then created flames that circled around everyone that took them all by surprise balancing the light everywhere at the same time while using his paralysis to get everyone at his attention,
"Can I tell you about my past now?" I asked while letting go of everyone.
"Fuck You!" Shouted Bakugo, I then burnt some of his lip of only a fraction, which Kirishima then noticed and bandaged.
"Of course, we apologize for kacchan he always gets like this," said Midoriya
"Well here goes" I said before telling them most of my backstory.
Mineta stood up and asked "Do you know what it feels like to touch a girls —" before getting hit with a mallet from Yaoyorozu.
"No but most of us will find out,"

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