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Holy shit.

That's what you were currently thinking.

Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy fucking shit.

The rapid beating of your heart crushed against your chest, your stomach was swarming with butterflies, speechless is what you were. Words had gotten caught in your chest, sitting patiently waiting for you to open your mouth and at least try and speak. But you stupidly just gaped at the man in front of you, who had just confessed his love for you a few seconds ago.

Was he joking? Or was he actually serious? Did he even mean it? Questions ran through your head, each one you were unable to answer.

So naturally, you leaned over and kissed him. His soft lips pressed against yours, butterflies furiously fluttered around your chest and you became slightly dizzy. A feeling of bliss flowed around your body, it felt like paradise. The kiss felt so powerful, euphoric even.

His warm hand cupped your cheek, his touch was different, this time it felt like fire. Like a heavenly fire, one that made your cheeks turn a soft pink. One that left sparks awake on your skin when his fingertips touched your skin. When you pulled away Alex smiled, his cheeks had a soft pink hue to them too.

"You taste like honey." He snickered, his lips were tinted with red.

You were struggling to let out the words stuck in your throat, the words you were dying to say back to him. It took a moment to collect yourself together, still blushing, you looked at him and grinned.

"I love you too."

He didn't expect you to respond, if anything, he didn't expect those words to slip out of his mouth so easily. Your words sounded so sweet to him, they sounded so perfect when you said them. Alex was smiling like some idiot, and idiot who was in love with you.

You were quickly pulled into a warm embrace, his arms wrapped around your tense body. It felt so surreal, so cliché. The beach, the romantic picnic, the first exchange of " I love you" to each other, it almost made you laugh. The two of you stayed in this embrace for what felt like hours, though it only was a few minutes.

"What do you wanna do now?" Alex asked you, resting his chin on the top of your head, you buried your face in his chest, mumbling an incoherent "I dunno" into the soft fabric of his shirt. The only thing you currently felt like doing was hugging him, kissing him, and just simply being with him. "Wanna head home now?"

Home. How could you forget about "home"? Before, "home" meant Alex's home, not yours. Heading home meant going to his house, sleeping in his bed. But now, you weren't sure what exactly "home" meant. Your house? Or his?

Did this mean you had to move in with him?

You shook your head, don't overthink it.

"Sure, but can we stop by a grocery store on the way back? I wanna get some snacks." You pulled away from him, letting the wind lightly blow your hair out of your face.

"But we have snacks at my place though," Alex said, he began to pack the leftover food back into the picnic basket.

"But your snacks are all healthy, I want junk food."

"Fine, we'll stop by CVS on the way back." You smiled happily before helping him clean up, he stepped off the blanket and lifted it up, shaking all the sand away. Alex then folded the blanket and set it on top of the basket, extending his hand out for you to hold. Of course, you gladly held his hand, and the two of you headed back to the car.

Thankfully, the car ride wasn't so awkward. There was a comfortable silence between both of you, mainly because both of you were sitting in your thoughts. Thinking about each other, wondering if things would change. Alex was worried about losing you, though he didn't show it, he was afraid you would leave him. Even though you loved him, and he knew you did.

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