Check, please

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Alex's friends were bugging him non-stop, asking him to go to their little "get-together" or whatever they called it. He tried to ignore them, but he just kept getting so annoyed at the constant messages and notifications blowing his phone up.

"What do you want?" Alex spoke harshly into the phone, his friend laughed, so did the two other people in the background.

"Told you he would answer like this,"

"Why did you call me Dylan?" He pinched the bridge of his nose, gripping the phone tightly in his hand as he flipped a pancake in the pan.

"Because you kept ignoring all the groupchat messages, so I called you." Dylan said.

Alex grumbled, "I'm going to hang up now."

"Don't do that, just hear me out okay!" Wherever Dylan was it sounded loud and crowded, definitely some type of restaurant or bar.


"Okay, so I haven't seen you in a long time, and I think it would be great if we y'know, met-up?" Dylan hoped Alex would say yes, but knowing his friend's introvert personality, Alex would probably say no.

"Dylan, I've been ignoring the texts for a reason." Alex glanced away from the stove and looked at you, giving you a smile as you strutted down the stairs.

"I know, I know! But you know me,"

Alex pointed to a plate of pancakes on the island, he turned the stove off and placed the last pancake onto the plate for himself. "I'm not going Dylan."

"Going where?" You said quietly, Alex shushed you and nodded towards your food. "Hmph." You cut off a piece of a pancake and shoved it in your mouth.

"Why not? We can catch up and stuff and oh- thank you." Alex heard a loud sip and then a female laugh, one that he swore he heard before.

"I don't want to catch up." Alex set the phone down briefly to go and grab a cup of water, a mischievous grin forms on your face. Once Alex turns his back you grab his phone and put it up to your ear.


Alex turns around quickly, rolling his eyes as he begins to walk towards you, but you jumped out of the seat and stepped backwards.

"Hi! Who is this?" The guy on the other end of the phone said. You glanced behind you making sure you wouldn't bump into anything, "Umm who are you?" You replied to the male voice.

"Give me the phone." Alex demanded. You pucker your lips together and stick your tongue out, giggling softly as you run up the stairs.

"I'm Dylan, I'm confused did Alex turn into a girl or something?"

"No, I'm Y/N-"

"Oh! You're the girl he's been raving about, hey do you think you could convince him to go to this restaurant?" Dylan asked you, "It's just a quick little hangout."

You checked behind you to see Alex following you, taking long strides up the stairs. Quickly, you ran to his room and locked the door, pressing your back against the door as you spoke into the phone.

"Of course, just text the details to his phone." You chuckled as you saw the doorknob jiggling, Alex shouted your name from behind the door.

"I did, but Alex was ignoring all the texts." Dylan sighed, "But thanks anyways. By the way, it's today." And with that Dylan hung up.

"Open the door," Alex groaned, he twisted the doorknob but it was no use. You clicked the new notification, Dylan had sent the address of the restaurant and the time to be there.

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