Part [2]

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Hailey makes eye contact with Derek from inside the cop car. He looks at Scott and nods. Hailey rolls her eyes. "Scott." Scott practically jumps out of his skin and turns around to see Hailey. She hears his heart racing. "Relax. I'm not mad." She pursues her lips. "Okay, I'm a little mad." Scott swallows hard and Hailey sighs. "I know you're going to that game tonight." Scott's eyes widened. "I'm going to be there, and if you feel that you're starting to lose control?" She pauses and searches his eyes. Trust. Good. "I'll be there to stop you." Scott stares at her. "Stop me? As- as in kill me?" Hailey rolls her eyes. "No I mean keep you under control." Scott sighs and nods. "Like you did in the locker room." Hailey nods and sees Sheriff Stilinski approaching. She turns and takes off, gone, as quickly as she was there.


Hailey jumps in front of Stiles's car, and he slams the breaks. She goes over to Stiles and he starts yelling and she pulls him out and throws him to the ground. She grabs his backpack and pulls out the wolfbane. She turns around and shows it to Stiles. "You dumbass." She throws the backpack far away, and notices the lack of angry werewolf heartbeat. She turns around and sees that the car is empty. Stiles stands and sees that Scott is gone too. Hailey whacks the side of Stiles's head. "You dumbass." She takes off in the direction of Scott's scent.

Hailey watches as Scott crawls closer to Allison's window. She growls and prepares herself to stop him, but Allison closes her curtains and Scott sees his reflection. He backs away and jumps off the roof, only to be hit by a car. Hailey pales when Chris Argent steps out of the car. Hailey stays, watching the situation unfold. She doesn't want Scott to get hurt.


Hailey stands, just off from the bleachers. Scott spots her and her nods. He nods back in thanks.

Scott stops and listens to what Jackson is saying. Hailey furrows her brows and does that same. They were saying not to pass to Scott, whose heart beat started to go up. "Scott." Hailey says in warning. He looks at her, eyes blazing yellow. She shakes her head. "Don't." Scott doesn't seem to calm down, and Hailey pulls her hands out of her pockets. "Head down. Don't let anyone see." Scott complies. Hailey can hear his growl in his breathing. Scott looks at Allison and his growl ceases. Hailey notices this and smirks. His anchor.

Scott jumps over a player and runs with the ball toward the net. He dodges several others and scores a goal. Hailey smiles proudly. A player gets the ball and looks at Scott. Hailey can hear his growling and narrows her eyes. The player passes the ball to Scott and runs away. "Huh." Hailey laughs and starts clapping. Scott runs toward the goal and throws the ball so hard it breaks the goalie's lacrosse net. Hailey stops smiling as Scott starts to get angrier. She spots Stiles and runs over to him, pulling him away from Coach. "What?" He sees Hailey's red eyes and starts to think she's going to kill him, but she points to Scott. "He's getting pissed," Stiles looks at Scott and sees his teeth and eyes. "And you need to be ready to pull him off the field." Stiles looks at her. "Why can't you?" Hailey points to the bleachers. "Because there is a hunter here. You let them know Derek is here, so I'd prefer not to be screwed over yet." Stiles nods.

Hailey stares at Scott, and notices he is listening to someone. She looks around and sees he's looking at Allison. He takes a breath and throws the ball and makes the point at the very last second. With the game over, Hailey is finally able to get to Scott, but when she goes to look for him, he's gone. She sees Allison headed toward the school and follows, She nods to Stiles to let him know she has it under control.

Hailey follows Allison into the locker room and jumps into the rafters. Scott looks at her and she shakes her head. He growls and looks at Allison, but he eventually makes his way to the showers and stops there. Hailey watches from above. Allison walks up to Scott, who was now normal. They talk for a bit, but start to kiss. Hailey smirks. Allison leaves and Stiles steps out. Hailey jumps down and scares Stiles. "Jesus! Stop doing that!" Hailey smirks, then looks at Stiles. "So you found out huh?" Stiles stares at her for a moment. She points to her ears. "I'm a werewolf, did you forget that?" Stiles shakes his head, and Hailey starts to back away. "Now if you don't mind I have to go get Derek." In the hallways she peaks her head into the locker room one last time. "Just FYI, Derek didn't bite you, nor kill his sister." And with that she leaves.

On the lacrosse field Derek and Hailey watch as Jackson picks up Scott's glove and looks at the holes where his claw cut through. He turns and notices them standing from across the field. They both stare at him for a moment, before walking away.

In the Hale house Hailey sits with Derek. "He found his anchor." Derek looks at her. They both know who it is. "And he doesn't even know it yet." Derek stands and stares outside. "And they trust you?" Hailey sighs and stands. "Yeah, now all you have to do is stop sounding like you ruined his life." Hailey pats Derek's back. He's never been a people person, then again, neither has Hailey. She walks out of the living room portion of the house. "Maybe start by explaining who bit him and what they are."


Hailey stands in the bus. She had used her fake FBI badge to get into the crime scene. Blood is everywhere. Seats are destroyed. Blood is everywhere. Windows shattered. She takes a deep breath, taking in all the scents. She can smell students. Gross, sweaty, horny teenagers. She scowls and focuses on the blood. Human. She can smell the driver's blood. But there are two others. Two werewolves. Scott. She can smell Scott. What was he doing here? And who is the other werewolf? The scent is almost familiar. Like something she's come across before. "You see much like this?" Hailey turns around to see Sheriff Stilinski. She bites her bottom lip. "Believe it or not, I've seen worse." She sucks in a breath and looks around. "Much worse." Hailey turns around and sees Stiles and Scott out the end of the bus. Scott looks terrified.

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