Part [13]

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Hailey smiles as she listens to Melissa give Scott advice. She leans on her bike as she waits for Scott to walk out. He sees her and creases his eyebrows. "What are you doing here?" Hailey smiles and hands him her spare helmet. "Giving you a ride, obviously." Scott smiles. "Thanks, for being here. It means alot." Hailey smiles and waits for Scott to climb on. She drives off. "Time to crash my sixth school dance." Hailey pops a wheelie and speeds up. "You've done this before?" Hailey nods. "Oh yeah, plenty of times."

Hailey pulls her motorcycle to a stop in the back of the school. She and Scott climb off. "You head to the roof, I'll open the access door to let you in." Scott nods and runs off. Hailey watches him go and then takes her helmet off and looks at her reflection in the mirror of her bike. She nods and walks around to the front. Several students stare at her as she walks in. She flashes her FBI badge to a teacher and walks in.

Hailey jogs into the chemistry lab and over to the roof access door. "Scott? You there?" Hailey sees his silhouette through the blinds. "Yeah." Hailey nods. "Step back." Hailey steps back and kicks the door with all her might. It breaks open and Scott walks into the room. "Thanks." Hailey smiles and nods to the door. "Go get her wolfy." Scott smiles and runs off.

Hailey sits next to Scott in the bleachers. He watches Jackson walk off with Allison to dance. "He won't get her." Scott looks at her and Hailey shrugs. "Girls like Allison don't go for guys like Jackson." Scott chuckles. "You sound like you have more than just common knowledge." Hailey laughs. "I do." She sucks through her teeth. "Dean Winchester. Had a thing for him." Hailey points at Jackson. "He wasn't too different from him." She shakes her head. "I realized what kind of person he really was and left him." Scott nods. "Jackass will show his true colors soon."

Scott and Hailey watch Stiles convince Lydia to dance. Scott laughs, but then is spotted by Coach. "Oh, crap." Hailey stands and runs down the steps with him. "McCall!" Coach pushes students out of the way and Allison looks up, hearing Scott's name being called. Hailey pushes Scott behind one of the curtains. "It's a small gym, buddy! I'm gonna find you!" Hailey acts as a cover for Scott to hide behind "I gotcha! Come here, come here!" Hailey looks around the gym and sees Danny. "Gay guy! Go!" She pushes Scott to Danny. She tries not to laugh as the gym falls silent and everyone looks at Scott. Coach lets him off the hook and Scott looks at Hailey. She points over to Allison.

Hailey runs out and jumps onto the car roof with Scott. They both glance at Allison. "Scott, we need to leave." Hailey jumps onto the bus roof and runs away with Scott right on her tail. Scott falls into the dirt and yells out. Hailey pants and rushes to his side as he starts to sob. He tries to push her away but she holds him tighter. She knows how he's feeling. She went through the same thing with Sam and Dean. "Shhh..."

Hailey stands and watches as Scott thinks. Dogs in the back of the clinic start to howl. Hailey and Scott share a look, both getting the same idea.

Hailey leads Scott to the highest point in Beacon Hills. They both climb it and howl together.

They both step back and wait. Moments later, a loud howl meets their ears. "Derek."

Hailey uses her tracking abilities to follow Derek's scent. It's faint, but it eventually leads her and Scott to a sewer drain. She scoffs. "Son of a bitch." She kicks the gate open and she and Scott slide inside. Hailey walks in just in time to see Derek stop the guy from hitting him with a bat. "I brought a little help too." Hailey mauls the man, but just leaves him to the point where he won't die. "Help me with this." Scott glances back at Hailey. She was covered in blood. "No." Derek glances at Hailey. "What?" Hailey crosses her arms. For her, it's always been family over friends. "Not till you tell me how to stop Peter." Derek scoffs. "You really want to talk about this right now?"

Hailey steps forward. "Yes," Scott glances at her. "He does." Scott takes a deep breath. "He's going after Allison and her family. He's going to kill them." Hailey stands next to Scott. "So what?"

"So tell me how to stop him." Derek stares at Hailey. "You can't! All right? Now..." Derek rattles his chains. "I don't know when Kate's coming back, so just get me out of this right now!! Get me out right now!!" Hailey remains unmoved. "Promise you'll help me." Derek lurches forward. "You want me to risk my life for your little girlfriend, huh? For your stupid little teenage crush that means absolutely nothing?" Hailey crosses her arms. "You're not in love, Scott. You're 16 years old. You're a child." Scott nods. "Maybe you're right, but I know something you don't." Scott looks up at Derek, who looks at Hailey. She nods.

"Peter said he didn't know what he was doing when he killed your sister, right? He lied." Scott pulls out the picture with the spiral on the deer. "Remember this? This is what brought your sister back to Beacon Hills right?"

"Where did you get that?"

Scott ignores him. "My boss told me three months ago someone came into the clinic asking for a copy of this picture. Do you wanna know who it was?" Derek searches Scott's eyes. "Peter's nurse. They brought your sister here so that Peter could kill her and become the Alpha, and that's why you're going to help me." Derek breathes heavily and Hailey smirks. She knew that would be all he needed to hear. He breaks the other chain. "I'll help you."

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