Part [4]

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Derek touches a spot of blood on the ground and looks around. Hailey does the same but she takes in the smell of the blood. She smells the air and looks at the roof. The Alpha stands and climbs up higher. They both take off after it, making their way to the roof, but as Derek jumps to the next roof he is shot. Hailey gasps and rushes to his side, but as she runs a bullet slugs her in the gut. She ignores her own pain, more focused on Derke. "Derek." She looks at the bullet wound. It was smoking. So was hers.


Hailey leads Derek through the school. She holds onto his hand with a death grip. The veins in her hand are black as she steadily takes his pain, even on top of her own. "Where's Scott McCall?" She asks Jackson. He stares at them and shakes his head. "Why should I tell you?" Hailey sucks in through her teeth. "Because I asked you politely. And I don't usually do that." Jackson scoffs. "Okay tough girl." Hailey raises an eyebrow. "You know, how about I help you find him if you tell me what you're selling him." Hailey narrows her eyes at him. "What is it? Huh? Is it uh, Dianabol? HGH?" Hailey rolls her eyes. "Steroids." Hailey scoffs. "Fine, I'll find him myself." Hailey starts to pull Derek. "No we're not done." Jackson grabs Derek's arm, but Derek whips around and holds Jackson to the lockers. Hailey's eyes widen when she sees Derek's claws in his throat. She grabs Derek's hand and pulls him away. He's getting violent. And if its happening to him, then things are about to get bad.


The school bell rings and Derek and Hailey look about ready to vomit. Hailey sighs and grabs him. "This isn't working. Come on." She pulls him out to the parking lot, but just when they are almost out, Derek passes out. "Dammit." Hailey pulls some of his pain away, but with her own, her vision was starting to spin. Scott runs to them. "What are you doing here?" Hailey looks at Scott, her red eyes showing from how much effort she was using to help Derek. Her pain was of no concern to her. "We were shot." Hailey lifts up Derek's head. "They're not looking so good dude." Hailey glares at Stiles. "Why aren't you two healing?" Hailey shakes her head. "Different kind of bullet." Stiles steps closer. "A silver bullet?" Hailey scoffs. "No you dumbass." Scott thinks for a moment. "Wait, wait, that's what she meant when she said he has had 48 hours." Hailey huffs. "What? Who-- who said 48 hours?" Scott looks into Hailey's eyes. "The one who shot you." Hailey groans and she starts to growl. "What are you doing?! Stop that!" Hailey's eyes blaze brighter. "I'm trying to tell you I can't."


Hailey's vision is starting to swim, but she can't let go of Derek. She doesn't want him to be in pain. He starts to wake up and Hailey gently explains what is going on. Stiles stares at Hailey's hand. "What are you doing to him?" She looks at her hand. "Taking his pain." Derek jerks away from Hailey. "No, you were shot too. You'll die." Hailey sighs. "I've been through worse." Hailey lifts up her shirt and looks at the bullet wound, but she hides it from Derek. An alpha can't show pain. "Where are we going?" Stiles nods at the road. "You're house."

"No." Both Hailey and Derek say in unison. "What do you mean no? I'm taking you home." Hailey shakes her head. "No, we can't protect ourselves." Stiles pulls over. "What happens if Scott doesn't find your little magic bullet? Hmm? Are you dying?" Hailey attempts to blink her red eyes away. She was trying to resist the urge to kill Stiles, so she digs her claws into Derek's leg. He groans in pain. "Ow." She glances at him and he understands her reasoning. "No, not yet." Derek huffs. "I have a last resort." Hailey glances at Derek. He does but she doesn't. If she wanted to be chopped in half, then she'd go to the Argents. "What do you mean? What last resort?" Derek pulls up his sleeve. Stiles gags. "Oh my god. What is that? Oh, is that contagious?" Hailey pulls up her shirt and Derek sees her own bullet wound. Black veins surrounded it from taking Derek's pain away. She has a higher pain tolerance, but theres only so much her body can take, and she's been at her very limit. "You should probably just get out." Derek huffs. "Start the car. Now." Stiles stares at them. "I don't think you should be barking orders with the way you two look, okay?" Hailey and Derek share a look. "Okay, in fact, I think if I wanted to," Hailey and Derek stare at Stiles. "I could probably drag your little werewolf asses into the middle of the road and leave you for dead." Hailey flashes her eyes red, now digging her other claws into her own leg. "Start the car, or I'm gonna rip your throat out. With my teeth." Stiles stares at them, then starts the car and drives off.


"What am I supposed to do with them?" Hailey had turned to digging her nails into her clenched hands. Stiles is sometimes very unlikable. And stupid. "Take him somewhere, anywhere!" Stiles gags. "And by the way they're starting to smell." Hailey and Derek slowly raise their heads to glare at Stiles. "Like-- Like what?"

"Like death." Hailey struggles not to let her teeth come out. "If he doesn't shut up, we're not the only ones that are going to be smelling like death." Stiles scoots away from her. "Take them to the animal clinic." Stiles shakes his head. "What about your boss?" Hailey rests her head on Derek's head, and he puts his arm around her. "He's gone by now. There's a spare key in the box behind the dumpster." Stiles sighs and hands the phone to Derek. "You're not going to believe where he's telling me to take you." Derek takes the phone. "Did you find it?" Hailey's breathing became raspy. Unbeknownst to Derek, she's been secretly taking his pain at a rate that he wouldn't notice. He won't die on her watch. "How am I supposed to find one bullet? They have a million! This house is like the freaking Walmart of guns." Hailey coughs a laugh. Scott should see what the Winchester's car looks like. "Look, if you don't find it, then we're dead alright?" Scott sighs. "I'm starting to think that maybe that isn't such a bad thing." Derek pries his eyes back open. "Then think about this. The alpha called you out against your will. He's going to do it again. Next time you either kill with him or you get killed. So if you wanna stay alive, then you need us. Find the bullet." Derek hangs up. "Derek..." Derek looks down at Hailey, and takes in how bad she is looking, then he sees her hand. "Hailey, stop. If you die, then we all die." Hailey groans and stops taking his pain. She doesn't have the strength to argue.

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