Part [7]

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At Hale house Hailey struggles to keep her breathing calm. Maybe going into the house was a lot, but seeing Melissa is a whole different story. "Are you okay?" Derek looks at the several items laid out on the table. "Yup." Derek raises an eyebrow. "You're heartbeat says otherwise." Hailey tones in on her heartbeat. Dammit. It sounded like the humming of a bird's wings. She puts a hand over her heart. "Melissa." Derek raises an eyebrow. He has no idea who that is. "McCall. Melissa McCall." Hailey sits in the chair. "She raised me till I was 13 and I just saw her." Hailey puts her head in her hands. She's on the verge of a panic attack. Derek looks at the items again and knees down to Hailey. He has to distract her. "Hailey tell me about your theories." Hailey sniffles and Derek grabs a knife off the table. It had carvings in the blade. 

"What is this?" Hailey grabs the knife and looks at it. "Demon blade," Derek nods. He saw it on her list. "It uh, it's a powerful blade that kills demons." Derek furrows his brows, but remembers Hailey has a lot more experience in the supernatural world than him. "I thought we could use it to kill him but," Hailey pulls up her sleeve and cuts herself with the blade. It smoaks a bit, but heals normally. "It doesn't work on werewolves." Derek nods and grabs her list from the table. He reads it. "Okay, whats a colt?" Derek notices that a lot of the things on the list were crossed out. The colt is one of them. "It's..." Hailey lifts her head up. "It's a special gun that can kill anything supernatural." Derek nods. Okay, that's good. "But we can't get it." Hailey shakes her head. "It's in the hands of the king of hell at the moment." Derek nods. Her heart rate is down. "What about the magic bullet." Hailey sits up and stares at the ceiling. "The one that shot us but," Hailey points out that it's crossed out. "It's in the hands of Kate Argent." Hailey points at where 'Argent' and 'Allison' are crossed out. Derek looks at an odd name. "Who is Castiel?" Hailey shakes her head. "He won't help us. He's not a fan of me."

Derek continues to ask her about the list. "What about Breaden?" Hailey tells him she can't help either. "Okay, what does 'eyes' and 'pain' mean?" Hailey takes a deep breath and reveals her alpha eyes. "My eyes. I can see a lot more than any werewolf of a human, but only if I really look. ESP." Hailey looks directly at Derek and sees the shape of a blue wolf where his human form used to be. "I can see... I don't know... Souls. Who a person really is," Hailey blinks hard. "What their intentions are, their potential." Hailey sees a glimmer of red in Derek's wolf eyes. "But," Blood leaks from Hailey's eyes. Derek wipes it away and Hailey's turn back to normal. "That happens, so it hurts. Alot." Derek nods. "Have you had any luck with his scent?" Hailey shakes her head. "No, everytime I get it, it changes. It's like a swirl of confusion." Hailey rubs her head. "Gives me headaches." Derek looks at his sisters name on this list. "Hailey, why is Cora on here?" Hailey's heartbeat picks up a bit. "My eyes also let me see spirits, or lost souls. Just blobs of mist, but somehow I know who they are." Hailey looks around Derek with her red eyes for a brief moment. "Around you I see everyone from the fire except..." Hailey points at the last two names on the list. "Cora and Peter. I don't know why I can't see Cora, but I can't, so she's on my list." Derek nods and stares at the highlight. "And why she's highlighted." Hailey nods.

"Who's Lydia?" Hailey scratches her nose. "She goes to school with Scott. I don't know what she is, but," Hailey eyes flicker red. "She's something." Derek reads the three heaviest things crossed out on the list. Sam Dean, Mystic Falls, and Lockwoods. "What are these?" Hailey scowls at the first two names. She grabs her pen and heavily scratches out Sam and Dean. "Definitely not them." Hailey relaxes and points to Mystic Falls. "Mystic falls is a little town I came across. They've got a pack of werewolves there." She looks at Derek. "The Lockwoods." Hailey shakes her head. "But they're on the other side of the country so..." Derek nods. The rest of the list makes sense to him. Mostly.

"Thanks." Derek looks at Hailey. "For calming me down." Hailey sighs. "It's just hard being back here." Derek nods, and is unexpectedly hugged by Hailey. Hailey only hugs those she really cares about. Derek hugs her back, until she eventually falls asleep. Derek smiles and carries her upstairs.


Hailey stands guard in the locker room doorway while Derek 'talks' to Jackson. Hailey hates this kid. She really does. Reminds her a bit of Dean. Just that thick Jackass feel to the air.

Hailey steps off her motorcycle outside Hale house. She smells the air and her eyes widen. She leaves her helmet on and runs into the house. She takes Kate Argent before she can electrocute Derek again. She punches Kate, but Kate electrocutes her. Hailey falls off to the side and Kate goes to shoot her, but Derek kicks her to the ground. Both werewolves stand and run out to Hailey's motorcycle. Kate fires at them, but they were already out of range.


Hailey pulls her motorcycle to a stop outside a cave crevice on the side of a rock cliff. "We'll have to stay here." Derek looks around and notices a small, thin mattress on the ground. A small box and several other objects clutter the cave. Hailey tosses Derek a shirt. He nods at her and puts it on. "What is this place?" Derek watches Hailey look around the cave. "Used to be home for me." Derek raises an eyebrow and Hailey sighs. "I was my mother's personal experiment. She wanted to know what would happen to a werewolf if they had to live in conditions of an actual wolf." Hailey huffs as she sits on the ratty mattress. "I spent a good 2 years out here." Hailey looks up at Derek. "It's where I was staying when I first met you." Hailey stands back up. "Make yourself at home." She tosses Derek her motorcycle keys. "Where are you going?" Hailey walks backwards to see him. "To give us an alibi."


Hailey chases the Mountain Lion into the parking lot. She growls at it one last time to scare it and watches as people start to freak out and scream. She waits until she hears gunfire from Chris Argent, then turns to leave. She smiles satisfied.

Hailey returns to see Derek asleep on her sad excuse of a bed. She stares at him, and thinks about how much she wants to lay with him. To be with him.

Hailey shakes her head and lays down on the cold ground and falls asleep.

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