Part [6]

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Scott gets out of Derek's car and goes into his house. Hailey stares straight on, lost in thought. Derek looks at her and realizes. He shifts gears and drives off. "You need paper." Whenever Hailey would get ideas, she'd write them all down. No matter how crazy. Derek stops the car outside the Hale house and runs in to grab her notebook. Hailey almost always carried one with her. She preferred the pocket sized ones from Dollar Tree.

Derek hands her the notebook and pen. He watches as she titles the page 'Alpha' and makes the following list.


Me? Shift






Demon Blade

Angel - Castiel


Scott Alpha? Me?

Trap? Mountain Ash


Magic bullet???

Demon trap?


Eyes? PAIN


Sam Dean?

Mystic Falls?


Electricity → LIGHTNING



Peter - Nurse?

Hailey highlights her biggest questions and Derek stares at two names. Cora and Peter. "Hailey, what--" She shushes him and stares at her list, taking in all her theories. Derek continues to look at her list, trying to make sense of it all. None of it made sense and he was guessing it wouldn't until she explained. Hailey takes one long look at her notebook before getting out and getting onto her own motorcycle. She needs her things. "I'll be back tomorrow night." Derek nods and she drives off.


Derek and Scott look down at the parking lot below them. "Starting to get it?" Scott shakes his head. "Uh, I get that he's killing people, but I don't get why. I mean, this isn't standard practice, right? We don't go out in the middle of the night murdering everyone, do we?" Derek shakes his head. "No. We're predators. We don't have to be killers." Scott looks at the body. "Then why is he a killer?" Derek nods. "That's what we're gonna find out." Derek walks away from the edge of the building and Scott follows. "Where is Hailey?" Derek's eyebrow twitches. "I don't know, but she said she would be back tonight."

"You know, I have a life too." Derek walks up the steps. "No, you don't." Scott scoffs. "Yes, I do! I don't care what you say about him making me his pet or--" Derek turns around. "Part of his pack." Scott rolls his eyes. "Whatever." Derek raises his eyebrows. "I have homework to do. I have to go to a parent/teacher conference tomorrow because I'm failing chemistry." Derek nods. "You wanna do homework; or do you wanna not die?" Scott sighs. "You have less than a week until the full moon. If you don't kill with him, he kills you."

"Okay seriously, who made up these rules." Derek steps down another step. "It's a rite of passage into his pack." Scott crosses his arms. "You know what else is a rite of passage? Graduation from high school. And you don't have to kill anyone to do it. Why can't you just find him yourself? Why can't you just sniff him out when he's a human?" Derek steps down again. "Hailey is the best tracker I know and she couldn't follow it. His human scent is entirely different. It has to be you. You have a connection with him. A link that you can't understand. If me and Hailey can teach you to control your abilities, you can find him." Scott sighs. "So if I help you... You guys can stop him?" Derek shakes his head. "Not alone. We're stronger together. A pack makes the individual more powerful." Scott shakes his head. "How am I supposed to help if I have no idea what I'm doing?" Derek steps down so he is off the stairs. "Do you remember that night you were shot in the arm... Right after you were hit?" Scott nods. "Yeah, I changed back." Derek nods. "Mm-hmm. And when you were hit by his car?" Hailey steps into the house and smirks. "And when I clawed you in the locker room." Hailey hugs Scott. "Something right?" Scott nods. "What's the common denominator?" Scott shrugs. Derek grabs his hand and it cracks.

"Was that really necessary?" Hailey mutters. "What is-- what the hell are you doing?" Hailey sees the glimmer of a smirk hit Derek's lips. He enjoyed that. "It'll heal." Derek lets go and Scott groans in pain. "It still hurt!" Derke turns around. "And that's what keeps you human-- Pain." Scott's hand heals and Hailey pulls him to his feet. "Maybe you will survive." Hailey glares at Derek. She takes Scott's hand and takes away the pain. "Better?" Scott nods and stares at her hand wondering how she did that. "Yeah. Thanks." Hailey hands Scott her helmet and he takes it shocked. "C'mon. I'll give you a ride home." Scott follows her out to her motorcycle. It was sleek balck. "How did you afford this?" Hailey smirks and climbs on. "The same way I have a fake FBI badge." Scott gets on and Hailey drives off.


Hailey stares up at Scott's house. It looks no different then it did 12 years ago. There is a lack of a certain smell. Her father. Scott sees her staring at the house. "Do you want to come in?" Hailey bites her lip. She can't resist. "Sure." She shuts off her engine and follows Scott inside. Hailey becomes pale and nauseated inside. Nostalgia hits her like a brick. "Can I ask you something?" Hailey nods and looks at the photos on the mantle. She frowns when she sees there's a lack of her on it, but then again, she's also not surprised. She was forced to remove all evidence of her life here. "How did you become a werewolf?" Hailey sighs and sits on the couch. She smiles at the stain on the arm rest. She'd spilled cranberry juice when she was 8. "I was born a werewolf like Derek." Hailey briefly touches the tattoo on her shoulder. A crescent moon. "My mother was a werewolf, but my father was human." Hailey shakes her head. "He never knew what I was, even though he and his new wife practically raised me." Scott sits next to Hailey. "When I was 13 I fully shifted for the first time. My mother decided it was time I leave." Hailey looks down at the floor with sad eyes. "She made me leave my father, the woman who I truly considered my mother, and..." Hailey pauses. "And my baby brother." Scott looks at her shocked. "You have a brother." Hailey chuckles sadly. "Yeah, but he was 4 when I left so he clearly doesn't remember me." Hailey hears the sound of a car door slam shut. "It's my mom." Hailey jumps up and hides in the coat closet.

Scott stands up from the couch and gives the closet where Hailey was hiding an odd look. Melissa walks into the living room and looks at Scott. "What are you doing up?" Hailey covers her mouth and starts to cry. Melissa. The only woman who ever really cared about her. That loved her like she was her own. "Uh, nothing. Just waiting for you to get back." Melissa walks into the kitchen and unloads her groceries. Hailey takes this moment to sneak out of the closet and up the stairs. "Whose motorcycle is that out there?" Scott ignores his mother and speeds up the stairs. He runs to his room and sees his window open and Hailey speeding down the road. What was that about?

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