Spy x (F)Shy Reader (L)

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Ah yes I'm back! I'm sorry I've been neglecting this book so much because I've been writing on the Raihan one :/ 

Anyways, have a lemon because I haven't been trying to write as many of those in the Raihan one (the closest you got was me crying while writing a very subtle sexy time at 3 in the morning,) so here?

(Also new template thing, tell me what you think)

Characters: Spy, Shy (F) Reader 

Category: Lemon (18+)



The reader has body image issues and Spy wants to make it very clear to her that she's beautiful. Spicy times happen if you couldn't tell from the lemon warning.


I stared at my body in the mirror. Being alone in my room, I was wearing a tanktop since no one was there to see me. I avoided wearing anything tightly fitting around my teammates, even Spy. I was closest to him since he always let me hang out with him during ceasefire days when I would have nothing better to do and Scout wouldn't leave me alone. We had only been dating for about a month and I never liked letting him see me undress so I avoided him entirely even when we slept in the same room together. I knew he probably had his concerns, but still. I just didn't feel ready to let him see. It felt like I was lying to him, which just made me feel worse.


Speaking of which...

"Just a sec!" 

I rushed to pull on a loose fitting sweater and opened the door to see Spy standing there, hands lighting a cigarette and quickly putting his lighter back in his pocket. "Soldier wanted to talk to us."

I nodded and walked past him, and I could feel his eyes on me as we walked downstairs. He knew something was up, since I usually acknowledged him even when I wasn't feeling well. I just couldn't get the thought that he'd leave me once he really knew what I looked like, though I'm pretty sure he already knew since he'd had his arms wrapped around my waist before protectively during arguements with someone else. Anyways...

Downstairs, my other teammates were waiting, already talking. I sat down, Spy instead choosing to stand behind me. Medic and Heavy knew we were dating, because besides Spy I was also very close to Heavy because he liked how quiet I was compared to everyone else. Heavy was close to Medic as well, therefore telling Medic that we were dating. I made Medic swear to keep it a secret and he agreed, and here we are. 

We weren't obvious about our relationship, mainly keeping kissing and such private and hand holding was very, very rare, even when nobody else was around. 

Despite this, Spy's hand rested on my shoulder as Soldier shouted loudly about how bad we had been fighting and such, specifically going after Scout for being reckless during our last fight and Scout responding with insults and complaints about other teammates. At some point, I heard him subtly add that I hadn't done greatly either and I shouldn't get away with it, but he quickly went back to just insulting Soldier. When he did say that though, Spy's grip tightened on my shoulder. I shifted slightly to let him know I felt it and his hand quickly went behind his back again. I sighed, just waiting for the meeting to end.


I pulled off my sweater, sitting on my bed. I didn't want to look in the mirror, not now. Just as I was about to turn off the lights and go to sleep, I heard a small knock on the door. I opened it to reveal Spy, hands still behind his back as usual. "Um...Spy? Can I help you?"

He rolled his eyes. "Mon chérie, you cannot fool me. There is something wrong, and I intend to find out."

"T-there's nothing wrong, Spy. I just didn't feel right today, and-"

I paused. Spy stared at me, patiently waiting. I sighed, finally ready to tell him. "I'm just...I'm really worried if you see my body you won't love me anymore."

His eyes widened. "Y/N, why would you ever think that? I would love you no matter what you look like. I know the real you, your body is the least of my concerns. You have a wonderful heart and mind."

I nervously pulled off my sweater, revealing my shape under it, my tanktop covering my chest and torso. Spy eyed me up and down, hands going to my waist. "Mon cherie, I knew you were beautiful, but I could never expect this."

He pulled me into him and kissed me, hands going up my sides. They slowly made their way up to my breasts, fondling them in his hands. I moaned into the kiss and I felt him smile. My tanktop came off and I quickly threw my hands over my chest. "L' amour, are you still nervous around me?"

I nodded, as I felt the heat rise in my face. "Well, you shouldn't be."

I shivered as he whispered that in my ear. His hands slowly guided my arms above my head, nipping at my earlobe.  "Tu es belle. Don't forget that."

I shuddered as he felt me up, hands everywhere. "W-What does that mean?"

He sighed. "I forgot I haven't taught you much French yet. It means you're beautiful."

I smiled and his hand caressed my cheek. "Do you want to...?"

I nodded. "Y-yeah. There's no one I'd rather do it with...than y-you."

With that sign of confirmation, my skirt was instantly off and so were my underwear. He had stopped playing with my breasts and moved to my lower region, finger pressing against me, slowly entering. I moaned as he planted kisses along my collarbone. Spy started fingering me, slow at first, going gradually faster as I gave nods of approval to do so. 

Eventually he stopped, pulling his finger out and leveling himself to me. I felt his cock press up against me and I moaned, head buried in his neck. "Ready?"

He said, breathlessly. I nodded, and he entered me slowly. I bit down on his shoulder and I felt him tense. I gasped. "I-I'm sorry! I've never done this before, and-"

"Don't apologize. You can do it again, just don't bite down as hard. You'll break skin."

I nodded, not daring to say anything again. He started moving after letting me get used to it. After a while of slow, agonizing thrusts, I managed to moan out, "G-go faster..."

He nodded and started going faster than before, causing me to moan out loudly. "S-Spy!"

"Please, call me Jacques."

-NoJacques isn't Spy's canon name. Most of the mercs don't have a confirmed name, so I'm just picking a name I think fits him.-

He picked up the pace, thrusting faster while I moaned into his shoulder, biting down occasionally. Jacques moaned quietly into the pillow my head was on, not breaking his pace. I noticed the thrusts started getting sloppier as I got closer, and I assumed he was getting close too. 

"A-are you-?"


I came around him, legs twitching as I did. I threw my head back and as he came, he kissed my neck. 

After we had somewhat cleaned up, I threw on a sweater and nothing else, and he pulled his pants back on and lost the shirt, holding me in his arms. He didn't leave my room, but we also didn't speak much afterwards. 


Sniper walked past Y/N's room, hand drifting over the knob. As he did, he heard "J-Jacques!"

He sighed and walked away. "I don't get paid enough to put up with this."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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