4. the one where the rooster dies

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After the revelation that the compass belonged to Big John, John B is kind of in a daze. He walks off the dock, muttering to himself as he walks through the grass and to the main road.

The four of us stay there at the dock, stunned that we literally risked our lives for a stupid compass.

"I feel like a complete ass," Pope says, running his hands over his face.

"Same," Kie says with a sigh.

"At least we're had fun, though," JJ says, trying to brighten the mood.

"You're joking right?" I ask, giving him a look.

"I had you bent over on your hands and knees in front of me, so I did have fun." JJ smirks.

"I bet you can't wait to add that to your spank bank," I say sarcastically.

He taps his temple and grins mischievously. "Already done."

"Okay," Kie says, dragging out the word. "I'm going to head home. I need a shower."

"I'll walk with you. I haven't seen Blaine in like three days. He probably thinks I died or something," I joke. I grab my backpack from the dock and slide my arms through. We say our goodbyes to Pope and JJ and take off for the main road.

It's a long walk back to Figure 8. Kie and I walk in silence for a while, lost in thought. It's been quite an adventure since the storm. I'm mentally exhausted from it all. I tell Kie this when I decide to break the silence.

"And are you exhausted from pretending you don't want to mack JJ?" she retorts. She gives me a playful shove.

"Please," I say, giving her a look. "I do not like JJ. What about you and John B? You've been all weird around him lately."

"He's reckless. I just want him to be safe," she says, dismissing the accusation. "Back to you and JJ. Y'all are trying to mack each other so hard."

"We are not! That's just how we are," I say in my defense.

"Right, right. You flirt more than anyone I've ever seen. It's borderline vomit inducing." She mimics gagging.

"Wow, okay then. Whatever. No pogue on pogue macking. That's the rule, I know. I flirt with all the boys, though," I say.

She rolls her eyes at me. "Not so much." She kicks a pebble out of her way. "I'm just saying it's really obvious."

"Right, all that insulting and name calling really shows how much we like each other," I say sarcastically.

"I'm just calling it like I see it," she says with a knowing smile.

"You see about as well as Helen Keller."  We make a turn, heading into the main part of town. We're halfway to Figure 8. We part ways at Blaine's street and I finish my walk alone.

Blaine is home when I arrive. He smiles as I walk into the living room. "Hey, Lex, I was beginning to wonder about you." He turns the tv off and looks at me as I sit across from him on the couch.

"I've been with my friends," I tell him. "Stayed at John B's during the storm, and then we've all kinda been hanging out since then. Kie and I walked home together. I'm in desperate need of a shower."

Blaine laughs. "I figured you were with the gang. How's the cut look after the storm?"

"Destroyed more or less. The whole island looks pretty bad. Seems like there's power here, though," I say, looking around at the lamps.

"Yeah, it's kind of hit and miss I think. I haven't had power at the store since the storm, but the power company is coming tomorrow morning to work on it, so I should be good after that." He looks at his watch. "Well, I gotta get changed and get going. Poker tournament at the country club tonight," he says, rising from the couch. "I ordered a shit ton of Chinese the other night, so help yourself to the leftovers. I know there's still no cell service yet, but charge your phone so I can reach you if it comes back up. Maybe call your parents from the landline, I'm sure they're worried about you after hearing about the storm. The mainland got hit, too, just not as bad."

Kook by Birth, Pogue by Association // JJWhere stories live. Discover now