10. the one where so many things go wrong

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As promised, the boys show up early the next morning to "rescue" us. They're all smiles as they pull up to our boat.

"Uh-oh! You forget your keys or something?" Pope says.

"You need a tow?" John B asks

"Don't give them the satisfaction of thinking this worked," Kie says to us.

"Absolutely not," Sarah agrees.

"You gotta admit it was funny," John B says as they pull up closer.

"Mastermind, huh?" Kie asks.

"I'm always plannin'," John B says with a smile.

"Some patriarchal bullshit," Kie says.

"Yeah, that sucked," Sarah complains.

"You still love us though, right?" John B asks.

"Yeah, whatever," Sarah says, rolling her eyes.

"Hey, you still hate me?" John B asks.

"A little. We're gonna get you back when you least expect it," Sarah warns.

"Watch your back, boys," I echo her warning.

"I welcome that challenge," Pope says.

"Me too," says JJ.

"So, did you guys, you know..." Pope laces his fingers together and clasps his hands.

"Get super high and have a threesome?" I finish for him.

"Oh dear God," JJ mutters at the same time John B says, "Is there a video?" I have to laugh at their reactions.

Pope clears his throat. "Um, I was going to say reconcile your differences?"

"Not even close," Kie says.

"But we're... willing to work together," Sarah adds.

"You know what? That's victory," John B says, satisfied.

"Yep," JJ says, popping the P.

"Wiggedy-wiggedy-wiggedy!" Pope exclaims.

"Know why?" JJ asks.

"Don't..." Pope starts.

"Hydroponic," JJ answers himself.

"...say that." Pope looks defeated.

"All right, shut up. You guys ready to jack someone up?" John B asks.

"Yeah, whatever," Kie says.

"Yep." Sarah gives a thumbs up.

"Lets get it, boys," I say.

JJ nods. "Let's get it."


That night, we head back to the Crain house. I'm nervous but excited as we gather our supplies and pile in the van to go across the island. John B goes through our checklist as we close in on the property.

"You got rope?" John B calls out.

Pope answers him. "Got it."

"Grappling hook?" John B asks.

"No grappling hook. We're not Batman," Pope says.



"Dark clothes?"

"Got it."



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