Chapter Eleven

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You climbed out of bed, quickly pulled on your boots and a jacket, and left your cabin. Despite the red alert signal, everything was eerily calm, with no residents or crew running through the halls or anything. You began to suspect made everyone had already left to be in safety, maybe you had merely been sleeping through the alert and everyone had forgotten you...

You stood there with eyes wide as you thought about your next course of action. You swallowed hard and decided to venture down the hall some ways to seee if you could find anyone. The sleep still lingered heavily in your head, blurring not only your vision but also your common sense. You just hoped there wasn't an intruder aboard; Klingons, salt vampires, space hippies. The list of possibilites was endless. 

You had been walking some ways down the hall when you began to hear a faint scratching ahead. "Hello?" You said to the unidentified sound.

No response.

"Hello..." You repeated again as you rounded the corner. 

You came to an abrupt stop when you looked up to see horrors beyond your own waking comprehension. 

An alien, black and shiny, standing at least seven feet tall with talons and teeth like obsedian daggers hunched itself over a limp red shirt as it feasted on his face. You had seen the creature before, but only  in some fictional movie from long long ago. 

You stood in complete stillness as you stared at its back, you slowly started taking steps backwards and ran back to your cabin as swiftly and silenty as you could. You could hear its metallic, high pitched and human like screams down the hall. You closed the door and looked around desprelty for a place to hide. You figured everyne had abandoned you and there was no point now getting in contact with anyone for the time being. 

You heard a scratching sound on your door.

"shit..." you whispered. Fearing it had found you. You decided the best course of action was, of course, to hide. You made a beeline to your wardrobe and climbed in, luckily you had few clothes inside so there was plenty of room. 

A minute later you heard your front door opening and closing.

You tried to breathe as quietly as possible.

"Lieutenant (y/l/n), please let me know of your whereabouts if you are present," a voice said softly. You recognized it to be Data. You opened the wardrobe door and stepped out.

"Data!" You called relieved you were not entierly alone.

"(y/n)! It would be wise to go back into hiding, let me accompany you." 

Without hesitation, but many questions on your mind, you crawled back into the wardrobe. Data stepped in after you and shut the door. 

"Well...this is cozy." You whispered mere inches away from his chest. "Data, what is happening? Oh. my. god...Is Leonard okay?! He's old! I've got to go get him!" You reached for the door but Data's hand gently found a place on your shoulder stopping you.

"I assure you that Admiral McCoy is safe. It would appear that you and I have solely been placed inside of the holodeck."

"What? When?"  You asked. You furrowed your brow.

"I can not say preciesly when but I believe it to have been within the past hour."

"If this is the holodeck. I don't like it at all. Why in God would a thing like this even exsist? Have you seen the thing out there? He was eating someone for God's sake. Oh heavens Data, this is the end. This is the end. Wait. If this is all the holodeck, that means it can't hurt us right? " Your hysteria was turning into relief.

"Upon inspection I have determined that the safety protocals have been tampered with and are currently turned off." 

"Can we turn them back on?" You asked with all fear.

"It does not seem they can be turned back on at this time. Also, all communication is shut off. We will have to hide here until someone notices our disapeance and releases us from the outside of the holodeck." 

"Great...." You said as you slumped down so you were sitting on the floor of the wardrobe, Data sat down with you. 

"And you and I are the only two in here?" 

"It would appear so." Data whispered. 

You lifted your eyebrows thinking how it could be worse and Data defintily wasn't the worst person to get locked in a cuboard with.  

"Well, this should be fun" You said and partially meaning it. 

LIGHT-YEARS AWAY (Data x Reader) // Star TrekWhere stories live. Discover now