Prologue - A Fateful Saving

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"You're fired!"

"We're through!"

"You are no longer our son..."

My life is a massive abyss right now. Being a twenty-year-old guy who just got dropped out of college, then I lost my job, my girlfriend dumped me, and even my parents disowned me. How did my life ended up like this? Did I do something wrong that upsets life? I really don't know anymore...

As I keep thinking of my life choices, I stopped near a crossroad, as I see someone in a dark coat and hat crossing the street, which is not too big of a deal. That is until...

*tire screech*

I saw a car braking hard, as it going to crash the unaware lady. And by instinct, I leaped onward and pushed the lady away from the street. Obviously, she got surprised by it, in which she landed safely on the other side of the road, but...

I'll be the one who gets crashed instead.

I sigh. Well, it's been nice knowing myself after twenty years of disappointment. But at least I did something good before- wait, what's that noise?

Before I knew it, I got lifted upward, as in I got carried by someone. They carried me to the park nearby before lowering me to the ground. I turned to see my savior, and am surprised to see the one who saved me.

 I turned to see my savior, and am surprised to see the one who saved me

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Underneath the moonlight, she looks beautiful... Her bluish emerald eyes, her hair, her horn... wait, is that a tail?! O-okay, that's not a good way to thank someone who just saved your skin. But hold up, how did she saved me? I thought I saved her.

"I'm glad that you're alright." She spoke with a calm voice, almost motherly in fact, and it made me weaker than I already am. "Thank you for saving me, even though I don't really need a saving."

I'm still speechless by her looks, but I managed to shake myself up before saying, "B-but you look like you're ignoring the very first thing about crossing the street." I said it almost sarcastically.

"Oh, really? I never heard of such thing." Wait, really?! Where does she come from anyway?! "Then again, I've never seen the human world for centuries now." She said while putting her finger on her chi- wait, centuries?! What the heck is going on?!

"Uhhhh..." My mouth agape from the information that I just received, and sadly, she noticed.

"Goodness, are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah." I just said. I just... can't comprehend. The lady then gestured me to sit on a bench with her, and well... might as well. As I sat there, she put her hand on my lap and turned to me.

"May I listen to your life story?" Whoa, lady! That's kind of inappropriate. And of course, I was startled by her request. But, seeing that I have no one other than her right now...

"*sigh* Might as well. But I have to warn you, cuz it kind of a sad story."

I then explained my life, from the happy childhood to the falling out, and then till now. Looking at her face right now, I can tell that she feel sorry for me. It is a sad story after all. The lady closed her eyes before suddenly holding him hand, making me flabbergasted.

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