Chapter 12

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     The man from the nightmare she had earlier came back and everything was more vivid and it was almost like it was real. Her room got hot. Kennedy screamed and Jack came running into her room.

     "What's wrong!" Jack said nervously.

     Kennedy looked at her hands and they were burning hot.

    "!" Kennedy said looking at Jack. All he was wearing were his boxers and a sweater that showed his abs.

     "Yeah this room is pretty hot. Are you ok?" Jack said oblivious to what Kennedy meant.

     "I'm fine. It was just a nightmare." Kennedy said blushing.

     "Do you want to talk about it?"

     "No, I'm fine."

     Jack started to walk out.

     "Wait! Can you stay with me till I fall asleep?" Kennedy asked.

     Jack stopped, smiled, and went into bed with Kennedy. Kennedy then laid on Jacks chest (which was really warm) and fell fast asleep. As soon as she fell asleep Jack gently laid her head on the pillow, kissed her forehead, went to his room and fell asleep.

     The next day Jack woke up really early. After about an hour or so Kennedy woke up and sat at the edge of her bed. She just sat there and thought about what has happened in the past few days. Jack then got dressed and ran to Kennedy's room to wake her up but since she was already awake he just decided to say good morning.

     "Good morning my little flame!" Jack said with an enormous grin.

     "Oh good morning!" Kennedy looked surprised.

     "I have something to tell you at breakfast!"

     "Ok! Well get out I'm gonna get dressed!" Kennedy said pushing Jack out the door.

     As soon as Kennedy shut and locked the door Jack made footstep sounds to make it seem like he walked away. Then he looked into the key hole and saw Kennedy lift her gown. On her side was a hand mark....she accidently burned herself while she was having the nightmare. Jack looked stunned and went "whoa!" Kennedy turned, put her gown back on and opened the door. Jack quickly hid at the end of the hall and hid behind the corner. Kennedy shrugged her shoulders and got dressed.

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