Chapter 1:Who is the new Champion

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(Hello everyone here's my third story hope you like it
and if you want to see more stories of mine read:Ash vs the world(ash betrayal story) and You should have not betrayed me because now you die(ash betrayal story) that's all now time for "I was never weak")

The news with Jackson

Jack:Hello and welcome to channel 25.Today people we have news for you it's been 5 years seen the destruction of all the evil team and the death of there leaders which we don't even know who did it but some day we will.In other news champions lance has lost his title of champion of Kanto now his just from Johto we still don't know who is the new champion of Kanto we even talk to Charles Goodshow and Scott but they said "The champion of Kanto will not reveal himself yet but someday he will come and show his face just be prepared when he does" and that's all he said in other news the champion has a new elite four and Lorelei and Agatha are now gym leaders we even try asking them and even lance but he only said "that we just need to wait until the right time comes" and the lasting gym leaders Brock and Misty are no more gym leaders well had list we know why Lorelei and Agatha are gym leaders now that's is all have a good day everyone will be back after this messages

Has the tv turns off we find ourselves in a room we're gym leaders kahuna elites four champions of Johto to alola and sinnoh frontier brains were there

Charles:Sow any questions
Alder:Yeah who is this new champion and who are his elites
Charles:Well the champion I cant say but his elites I can
Cynthia:Sow how come you and Lance get to know who he is but not us
Lance:Because we made a promise with him that we won't say nothing
Diantha:What are you hiding
Charles:quit the chit chat and listen because this elite four are strong like a champion
Steven:Say what now
Malva:Are they able to mega evolve
Charles:yes and two even have legendary Pokémon
Flint:Say what
Charles:Okay listen this will be from weakest to strongest
Drake:Just tell us goodshow
Charles:Okay here's the first one Scarlet she is 23 years old and the first one a trainer must face first sow basically she is the weakest one of the group her special is poison and fire and she can use mega evolution
Grimsley:She looks beautiful
Marshall:for the first time in my live I'm with grimsley she cute
Charles:Okay he's the next guy Hendrickson he is 19 years old and the second one you face off he is the third strongest and his specialty is well Normal and he has mega evolution and a legendary Pokémon
Whitney:Finally another normal type specialist and it's and elite four
Lenora:Yes and he looks handsome
Charles:The next one you might know her it's Sabrina
Karen:Wait did you just say Sabrina
Charles:Yes Sabrina 22 years old and the the third one you face off and the second strongest of the group and she is as you all know a psychic type specialist and like the others she has mega evolution only she has 3 mega evolve Pokémon and one legendary
Caitlin:Well good for her I also heard someone has taken her spot I think that person is called Stephan I heard he is a new gym leader in Kanto
Charles:And the last member is Daniel
Every one of Johto except lance:Did you just say Daniel
Charles:Yes the same Daniel that defeated you guys but before he fought lance he disappears but his back and now his 28 years old the oldest one out of the five and the strongest elite four member in Kanto and he has mega evolutions,two legendary Pokémon and something else but I'll let him tell you guys but tomorrow we are going to see his fight with a trainer name is Max from Unova
Phoebe:Okay then let's go

The next day in the Kanto League the champions elites four frontier brains(including sinnoh) gym leaders and Kahuna were in the vip room but now in the battle field we're Daniel and the ref we're waiting for the challenger but then he comes and running

???:Sorry I'm late
Daniel:Are you the challenger Max Mapple
Max:Yes and I'm ready to fight
Daniel:Okay then let's see what you got
Max:I won't disappoint
Daniel:Then come and break the shield of the champion Aegislash show him your steel
Max:Emboar lets go

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