Chspter 3:Destroying the traitor and the Challenge of and Elite four

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The day came Ash with his 3 Pokémon and I know ones are in the tunnel waiting to be called

Announcer:There he is Ladies and Gentlemen the boy who made it to the end Max!!!

Has Max comes with pikachu on his shoulder as some of the audiences and the traitors cheer for him he only waves had them then comes the champions

Announcer:Okay everyone prepare yourself for the. Champion

The people start cheering and I mean everyone except the traitors and in the vip

Cynthia:Finally we get to see who he is
Diantha:Fo you think is someone we know
Alder:Don't know but who ever it is they have fans
Lance:I would you should prepare yourself for who it is
Steven:If even lance says that this is one heck of guy

Back with the announcer

Announcer:He was the first person to conquer the Battle Frontier
Max:Wait the only person that did was
Announcer:Won the Orange league and became fourth or second place in other leagues

Back with the traitors

Misty:You guys think he gonna say
Trip:It can't be him he was weak and pathetic

Back with the announcer

Announcer:I give you your Champion of Kanto

Has the champion appears and raised and arm with a pokeball in it

Has the champion appears and raised and arm with a pokeball in it

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Ash:Hey Max

The audience cheer for there Champion,The ass-I mean traitors jaw fell to the ground and in the VIP

Phoebe:He looks cute
The champions,some elites and gym leaders that know ash all except Kanto:Ash!!

Back had the stadium

Ash:Yes it's me and this time I'm here to face my demons
Max:A weakling like you can't beat me right Pikachu

He looks had Pikachu but when he saw him he showed fear

Max:Pikachu what's wrong
Ash:He's afraid interesting I was expecting happiness when he saw that he was gonna fight his old trainer
Max:Fear why would he be afraid of you
Ash:Not of me but who is in the tunnel

He looks had the tunnel we're 3 figures were there watching them

Max scared:who are they
Ash:My friends that are ready to destroy your Pokémon.Ref!
Ref:Right this battle between challenger Max and Champion Ash well now begin trainers send out your Pokémon
Ash:If you really which to be champion think who your using
Max:Don't need to tell me that Pikachu I know your scared but I need you

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