Chapter 6:The tournament begin and the ones that did not betray him

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Morning comes and Ash wakes up with all his eevolution including the 3 new ones

Ash:You guys comfy

One Pokémon comes close to his face and kissed him and stayed like that for 20 seconds this was Sylveon

Sylveon:With by our side always
Ash:I love you and the rest you guys sow much
Sunshine:And we love you Daddy

Has she give a kiss on the check

Ash:How about we go get something to
Ash:Let's go guys

Has they get up and go towards the the kitchen we're Champion Leon and Alder we're watching TV and the fighting type trainers we're getting there exercise

Ash:Well there up even before me or maybe there waiting for me
Alder:Oh Ash Good-morning
Ash:Good morning Alder and you must be Leon champion of Galar
Leon:Yes and your Ash I have heard many things about you specially about 3 Pokémon of yours
Ash:Oh I know what you mean but did they tell you about the betrayal
Leon:Yes and we of Galar have your back
Ash:Thank you me and your gym leaders can talk when I'm done making breakfast

Afterwards before he could start Siebold,Chili and Cress

Cress:Good morning
Every one awake:Good morning
Chili:Making breakfast again Ash
Ash:Yes you guys wanna help
Siebold:It will be are pleasure

Minutes pass and they all started to wake up and they all had breakfast after that the Galar team and Ash site somewhere and heir him

Ash:Sow I would think you have questions about my 3 eevolutions and my legendary
Leon:But first the eevolution
Bea:Please am very interested in Brawleon
Ash:Well if your planing on getting one it's to late Dad and I use the last stone that can do that
Bra:Dang it
Ash:But to answer where? I found it on mount silver
after that we tested on are eevee's and they transformed into this
Kabu:Tells there names
Ash:Okay:There's Phareon the ground type,Imperion the dragon type and Brawleon the fighting type
Leon:Interesting and what about legendaries how did you get them
Ash:Well before the betrayal I was traveling the world and in my journey I meet all the legendaries
Leon:Wow your one lucky guy
Ash:Yeah well let's get set sow we can go to the ceremony

Has they went to change.Now somewhere else in and airplane comes a man with black hair and a young girl with red hair

??? mind:I know his there he has to be
???:Alain look we are almost there
Alain:Okay Mairon I think you should not put you face like that
Mairon:And should not make that face
Alain:What do you mean
Mairon:I know you miss him but I'm sure he will be there I mean he has to it's says strongest trainers and he's one of them sow stop worrying
Alain:Okay thanks Mairon what will I do without you
Mairon:Don't know but maybe something bad

Has they land they step out and go out the airport we're they find friends

???:Alain and Mairon over here
Mairon:Tierno,Trevor and Shauna
Sawyer:Hey guys
Alain:Don't tell me all four of you are in this tournament
Shauna:No just Sawyer and looks like you too
Alain:Yes I just hope he is here
Sawyer:Yes it's been 5 years
???:Are you guys talking about Ash
Has a guy with yellow hair and Black clothes comes towards
Alain:Who might you be and did you do anything to Ash
???:No Ash is my friend and my name is Gladion I'm from Alola and I'm competing Sawyer:Well nice to meet you we are Friends with Ash to we're just wondering if he is here
???:Huh no way you guys know Ash too
Tierno:And who are you
???:I'm Cameron and I know Ash he is also a friend
Sawyer:Wait I know you.You fought Ash in Unova in the semi finals
Cameron:Well I was lucky Lucario survive that powerful Leafblade Ash's Snivy use
Alain:Well then I hop you bring a Fight
Cameron:I will
Gladion:Sow continuing the topic do any of you know if Ash is coming
???:Oh his here only you will see him in the ceremony
Gladion:And who are you
???:Gary Oak and I'm Ash's childhood friend and
first rival and the last one to see him
Alain:Did he tell you we're he was going that he had to disappear
Gary:He did not tell were he was going but he did tell me the reason
Shauna:And what is it
Gary:Let's take a site somewhere

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