Chapter 2:Past Betrayal

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Now we go deeper in the Kanto league more specifically the last battlefield we're there is a throne in that throne lies a young man with the age of 20.This man has done many achievements but when he reached a moment in his live he was destroyed but he got him selves back up and became champion by his left he has The Pokémon named Gardevoir and on his right was greninja and on his shoulder was a pichu.In his lap rest a weird one that has red,wings and it's coolers are white and blue.And close to his left leg rest a Egyptian looking Pokémon and on his right and orange colored Pokémon with bandages on all four paws.The young was watching this year tournament to challenge him and was seeing Max it's tournament but then he saw the Pokémon he used and the Pokémon that was on his shoulder and all wanted now was to destroy the boys hopes and dreams sow he can fell the same pain has he did

???:sow his using them
Greninja:yes and it looks like some have not reached there full potential
???:Well that prove that they should have stayed with me because it seems even with that idiot some have reached will some stayed in there second I mean even Courfish has not evoke
Pichu:I'm sure that Pikachu won't stand a chance against me
???:Calm down buddy your strong but you need more training I don't want you to get hurt out there because don't forget I trained that traitor a long time
Gardevoir:Still remembering that Day my love
???:Yes and that he's here it's time to reveal myself to the world
Gardevoir:want me to kiss you
???:yeah come here beautiful

Has she comes down and they kisses a lot

Gardevoir:Feel better
???:yes because you and the rest of you guys are here
Whit one ??? yawn:don't woooory maester we got your back
Orange ???:Yeah let's kick there butts
Egyptian ???:I which to bury them in my sand
???:Actually I'm planing on using you 3 in the fight
3 ???:Yes
???:Then Swellow , Sceptile get dips and then my secret weapon if I'm right he has to have it
Greninja:Those traitors better not hold back because who your because it's to late for forgiveness
???:right I still remember that like if it was yesterday

Flash Back

A young man named Ash was coming back to his home his starter Pokémon Pikachu when head which made the trainer curious but before he could continue out of nowhere two Pokémon came out of the forest these Pokémon were Pokémon Ash's Pokémon Greninja and Pidgeot

A young man named Ash was coming back to his home his starter Pokémon Pikachu when head which made the trainer curious but before he could continue out of nowhere two Pokémon came out of the forest these Pokémon were Pokémon Ash's Pokémon Greninja...

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