Chapter 7:Fights againts the traitors and Daniel vs Raihan

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Has the morning comes and like in the Unova league Ash faces Trip he wakes up with Florges by his side

Ash:Well lets go destroy Trip shall we
Florges:Let's go my love

Has they get up they see some are awake

Ash:Morning guys
All of them:Morning
Ash:Adjusting well with us Georgia
Georgia:Yes and I cant wait to fight Dragon Girl if I'm right I faces her 3 fight after yours
Ash:Good and you Dad who do you faces
Daniel:I fight Raihan
Ash:Well they told me you made a challenge
Daniel:I did and I'm not letting him win
Raihan:Neither will I
Daniel:You better be prepare for who you face if you truly think you can break my steel I'll fight with the man of my team
Raihan:That's what I like to hear and we are the last ones sow you better not hold back
Daniel:I won't

After a few minutes they all eat and then headed along the way Ash's true friend tag along and then they entered the stadium were Ash and Trip were already on the field

Trip:Why don't you give up now before I kill one of your Pokémon to prove that your weak
Ash:Your the one who needs to be careful
Ref:Trainers send out your Pokémon
Ash:Show him are bond Florges
Trip:Destroy this weakling Serperior

Trip:Why don't you give up now before I kill one of your Pokémon to prove that your weak Ash:Your the one who needs to be careful Ref:Trainers send out your Pokémon Ash:Show him are bond FlorgesTrip:Destroy this weakling Serperior

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Ref:Florges vs Serperior Battle BeginTrip:Serperior Dragon Pulse Ash:Florges Moon blast

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Ref:Florges vs Serperior Battle Begin
Trip:Serperior Dragon Pulse
Ash:Florges Moon blast

Both Attacks come but moon blast went thru dragon pulse and hit Serperior but it's still hits

Trip:Lucky shoot that's all
Ash:Yeah put a dragon type move against a Fairy type move good fact dumbass
Trip:Shut up Serperior Leafblade
Ash:step back and Grab that Tail with vine wipe

Has she moves back the attack missis and the vine wipe grabs the tail of the grass snake

Ash:Now raise him up and smash him to the ground
Trip:Get out of there Serperior

But to late it was raised up and thrown back down but it's still had some energy left

Ash:Still kicking Florges us attract
Trip:Wait no not again

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