Chapter 4:Telling them and the tournament

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Morning comes and Ash and his elites and Stephan are awake

Ash:Can you guys go and wake up the others  I'll go with Dad and Sabrina to go cook a breakfast
Hendrickson:Don't worry we got this go prepare the dishes

Has they leave to the room we're the Champions,Elites and gym leaders seen Frontier Brains are coming back later now with the wake up group

Scarlet:Sow how do we do this
Hendrickson:easy Stephan

He takes a deep breath and says


He said screaming making some fall of there beds

Kukui:Wait did you just said Ash is making breakfast
Hendrickson:Yes and it's actually pretty good
Siebold,Chili and Cres:We will be the judges of that

Has the 3 chef go to the kitchen and then the rest were just preparing themselves especially the girls after a few minutes they all head to the kitchen we're they see kukui,Chili,Cress and Siebold enjoying the food

Diantha:Is that good
Siebold:Yes it is and it could even match mine own skill
Cynthia:Well then let's take a bit
Ash:Then take a site

Has they all site down in the chairs they all tested the food and said

All of them:Delicious
Hendrickson:Told you sow
Elesa:Ash's where did you learn how to cook
Ash:A little was from Brock and Cilan after that Dad thought me how to
Daniel:And I did a very good job
Diantha:Sow Ash tell us what happened to you
Ash:We're should I start okay listen closely specially Chili and Cress
Both of them:Okay

Ash explains the betrayal and what happened

Chili:He said what
Ash:Has you heard Cilan and the rest of them betray me they even thought that could take everything again when I revealed myself after that Sabrina teleported them
Diantha:Looks like me and Alder are gonna take one of your technics and eliminate there gym leader status
Ash:Actually don't do that
Alder:Yeah it's that what you want
Ash:Everything will make seen later in the meeting
Marshall:Hey Ash why you put Lorelei and Agatha has gym leaders
Ash:Well they decided to become gym leaders but the why is because they were strong but scarlet defeated them both and she is the weakest one out of the four
Scarlet:I'll take that has a complement
Ash:Anything else
Karen:Yes why did Sabrina became elite four and not Stephan
Ash:Actually they battle for the title and has you can see she won but she was still not strong enough against Dad
Sabrina:The bond that Daniel had with his Pokémon has no limits
Daniel:Thank you I guess
Flint:You know this has been bugging me
Flint:Well how did you meet Daniel
Ash:Oh you tell them
Daniel:Okay it's like this

Flash back

Daniel was with his Pokémon had mount silver and had this point Guardeon was an eevee but then lucario sensed it

Daniel:You also pick it up
Lucario:Yes it's close and his not alone
Daniel:Okay Cobalion
Daniel:You me and Lucario are gonna check something the rest of you stay here and Heatran don't burn the forest

Has he hops on Cobalion and heads to the aura nearby with Lucario follows.When they arrive they saw a boy with a pidgeot but when Cobalion saw him he recognized him

Daniel:know him
Cobalion:He was the one who helped Keldeo defeat Kyrum
Daniel:Is that sow then let's take him back

Has he puts the boy on Cobalion and he and Lucario carry Pidgeot.They arrive to the campsite and after a few minutes the boy wakes up

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