Final chapter:Last Traitor

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Ash wakes up with his Serperior and Gardevoir by his side

Ash:Well time start day let's head to breakfast
Gardevoir:My love are you okay
Ash:I'm fine just

With a grin

Ash:excited for today

He went downstairs we're everyone was awake

Daniel:Well my son today is the day do you got your team
Ash:Yes I'm going to destroy his team
Gadevoir:Gardevoir(Yeah you will)
Lance:Don't get overconfident I see that look on your face
Ash:Oh this look is not of cockiness
Bruno:Then why are you grinning

(Oh yeah forgot to put the part of kiewai telling the other champions what happened)

Kiewai:Won't lie it's creepy me out
Ash:this is happiness and I'm excited not just because I get to fight Paul but that I get to show who the real weakling is

Has he heads to the stadium on the way his friend we're there

Gladion:He is the last one go get them
Ash:I will
Alain:You better win and come to the finals
Ash:Don't worry I will
Tobias:I would say the same
Ash:I just hope I get to fight one of you guys in the finals

Has he enters the tunnel and on the other side

Misty:Finally this is are chance
Trip:Make him pay Paul
Serena:yeah destroy that weakling
Paul:He won't stand a chance

Has he enters the tunnel has well the come out and glare had each other

Has he enters the tunnel has well the come out and glare had each other

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(Now for the song of this fight)

Ash:You will fall Paul like all the other traitors
Paul:Fat chance Ash the only one Falling is you
Ash:Then how about you shut up and we start this fight
Paul:Bring it
Ref:Trainer send out your pokemon Pokémon
Ash:Melmetal I choice you
Paul:To easy Magmorter

Ash:You will fall Paul like all the other traitors Paul:Fat chance Ash the only one Falling is you Ash:Then how about you shut up and we start this fight Paul:Bring it Ref:Trainer send out your pokemon Pokémon Ash:Melmetal I choice youPaul:To easy...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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