Chapter 2: Return

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A/N: Chapter 2 is officially posted! I would really like to see some votes or comments? I'd really like to know what people think about my story and plot. Please? I'd really, really like it. So, comment and vote! But thanks for reading! XOXO


>>Image: what I picture Atlas to look like.<<

News came a few hours after we returned to the cave.

With the news, came our Warriors. No deaths, thank God, but a few men were helped inside and taken promptly to the medical chamber. Garret had just barely sauntered in, radiating pride and cockiness--not that it wasn't deserved--when a white blur smashed into the werwolf, sending him staggering back, eyes wide. "You're back!"

The childish excitement Mason was emitting was cute to say the least. "That I am. Jeez, baby--- simple hi would ha done nicely."

But Mason looked far from happy suddenly as he shifted. Despite being naked in a room full of people he stood there and promptly told his mate off in front of his men. "Don't you dare, ever, tell me it'll be a few hours when you know it'll be days," he snarled, blue eyes shingling with fury as well as tears. "You could have been dead for all I knew!"

Garret, the poor wolf, had never known an omega to ever speak to an upper-rank--much less their mate--in such a way, and just stood there, looking a bit like a fish out of water. "Babe--"

"Don't you 'babe' me! You had me worried sick! I'm not some little pup you can lie and confuse, okay? Every second felt like minutes knowing you're out there!"

His shock melted into guilt as he tried to coddle the upset omega. "Oh no you don't," snapped Mason. "And if you think we're mating tonight, you are dreaming."

Snickers rose from Garret's men as Garret actually whimpered. "B-but babe..."

"But babe nothing," growled Mason, stalking off down the hall.

Garret huffed in exhaustion. A curly haired Warrior wolf just laughed. "That makes me glad I don't have a mate yet."

A growl shut the cocky wolf up and Garret sulked down the hall. Jackson appeared, chuckling. "Oh, the big-bad wolf doesn't get any tonight. Boo-freaking-hoo."

"Some of us don't get any, ever." Stated Arrow, trying to be casual.

I glared at him, feeling a blush work its way up my cheeks. Honestly? In front of the Warriors? My father jogged into the room with Isaac in tow. "Wonderful job, guys. Zero deaths count and they lost dozens of men?"

I was a bit perturbed by the casualness he used--those were lives after all, enemy or not--but I felt victorious despite. Arrow wrapped his arms around me and I was about to push him off when I decided otherwise. His embrace felt too good. A kiss was planted on the crook of my neck and he murmured, "Sorry baby--I respect you, I do. Even if that means waiting forever."

Too freaking cute. I turned around, ready to kiss him but was interrupted by a loud, obnoxious throat clear. I glowered at my father who said, "Eating chamber, love birds. Now."

Sighing we trudged into the eating chamber it celebrate the victories. We'd had several good kills today, so no one would go hungry. "And where's Garret, exactly?" my father demanded having missed the whole episode.

"Enjoying a cold shower," snickered Jackson earning him a shove from Arrow.

No one in pack got the human comment but I did and chuckled to myself. "Excuse me? Is he bathing outside?" My father asked, looking more confused.

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