T h r e e

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River crumbled up the essay paper threw it over Ezra's head, Preston looked behind him and then looked back down to his paper.

River started to hum iron man by Black Sabbath and Luther looked at him, Ezra sighed "I can't even believe this is happening to me" he looked around "oh shit!" River said and Ezra turned around to look at him "what do we do if we gotta take a piss?" He looked at everyone and Ezra said "please" and rolled his eyes "if ya gotta go you to go" he unzips his fly Ezra looks like he could puke "oh my god!"

Preston said "you're not pissing in here man" river kept looking down "don't talk it makes it crawl back up" Luther looked down "if you whip it out you're dead before the first drop hits the damn floor" he looked at river and river smirked "it's pretty sexy when you get angry" Preston rolled his eyes and river sat back up in the chair.

"Hey why don't you get up and go and close the door" he said to Luther "and well all fuck the prom king" Ezra turned around "hey!"

Preston looked at river "what?" River said "If I lose my temper you're gonna be totalled"

"Totally?" River asked and Preston said "totally" and looked river dead in the eye, Ezra said "why don't you just shut up nobody here is interested" river looked down and had a fake sad face and Preston said "really ass"

river laughed and said "hey sporto what'd you do to get in here? Forget to wash your jock?" River said

Luther he looked at them "excuse me but we should really just write our papers"

"Just because you live In here doesn't give you the right to be pain in the ass so knock it off" river was just making weird faces and said "it's a free country" Ezra turned to Preston "he's just doing it to get a reaction out of you just ignore him" river then said "sweetie you couldn't ignore me if you tried" Ezra rolled his eyes, Vern looked at everything going and still didn't say anything, river said in the most annoying voice ever "so are you guys like boyfriend and boyfriend?" Ezra was looking at his skirt and Preston didn't say anything so river kept on taking "so steady dates, lovers come on sporto level with me did you give him the hot beef injection?" Ezra had enough of him "go to hell!"

Preston said "enough!" Then they heard Mr.Wheaton yell from his office "hey! What's going on in there" and he was reading the news paper "damn teenagers" river was smirking at Ezra.

"Scumbag" Preston said and river stood up and said "let's close that door and so we don't have to have Mr. Wheaton checking out on us every few seconds" Luther then said "the door is supposed to stay open" river rolled his eyes "so what?"

"So why don't you shut the hell up already four people are already here" river laughed "good you can count I knew you had to be smart to be a wrestler" he said and Preston looked at him "who are you to judge" Ezra nodded his head "yeah really"

"You know Parker you don't even count I mean if you disappear forever it wouldn't even make a difference you might as well just not even ever exist at all" river he knew he had to keep a strong face so he did "well how about I just run out and try for the wrestling team" Ezra and Preston laughed "maybe I'll even join the prep club as well and maybe even student council" Preston shook his head "nah they wouldn't even take you" river said "I'm hurt" Ezra also said something "do you know why you shit on everything?" River looked at him and said "oh this should be real stunning" Ezra looked up at him "because you are afraid" river looked at him with a blank face "oh god you riches are so smart that's exactly why I'm not in to activates" Ezra kept going on "you are just a big coward" then Luther started to talk "I'm in the math club" no one took notice that "you are afraid because you don't belong so you just shit all over it" river looked at him "wouldn't have anything to do with you lame active people being ass holes now would it?" Ezra looked at him "you don't even know, you don't know anyone or any of us" river just kept looking at him "well I don't want to know any lepers either but I'm not running out to joining any of their fucking clubs" perston was kinda mad "watch the mouth!" Then Luther talked again "I'm in physics club too" still no one took notice but river said "excuse me but what the hell are you blabbing about?" Luther looked down "well what I said is that I'm in the math club the Latin club the physics club and the physics club"

"Hey cherry" river said to Ezra and he slowly looked at him with an evil eye "do you belong in the physics club" Ezra shook his head "that's the academic club" river was confused "so?" Ezra rolled his eyes "academic clubs aren't the same as other kind of clubs" river said "Ah but to dorks like him they are" Ezra looked at Luther and Luther was looking up "what is that you do in your club?" River asked Luther "well in physics we talk about physics and the properties of physics" river then cut him off again "so it's sort of a Social, sad and demented but social right?" He looked at Ezra who was looking down "well I guess you could consider it a social situation uh there are a lot of other kids on my club and at the uh end of the year we have uh a big banquet at the hotel" river then said "you load up, you party" Luther shook his head no "we dress up but we don't get High" ezra looked at river "only burn outs like you get high" but Luther kept talking "I didn't have shoes so I had to barrow my fathers shoes and my mother doesn't like me to even wear other people's shoes and my cousin ken from Wisconsin got high once he started eating some really different foods"

Vern was bored and put a pen in his mouth and put his fingers up to make a gun and shoot "then he felt like he didn't belong anywhere kinda like the twilight zone thing kinda" Ezra turned to river with his smile "kinda like you" Preston then said "if you guys keep talking Mr. Wheaton is gonna come in here and I have a meeting Saturday and I am not missing it because of you idiots" rive got annoyed "wouldn't it be a bite to miss a match" Preston was also mad "you wouldn't know about it faggot you never competed in anything in your whole life" river said "oh I know I feel all sad and empty inside and I have such a deep admiration for guys who roll around with other guys" perston rolled his eyes "you'd never miss it and plus you don't have any life goals" river then said "but I do" perston looked at him "yeah?" River continued "I wanna be just like you and all I need is some tights"

Luther talked again "you guys wear tights?" Preston looked at him "no I don't wear no damn tights I just wear the required uniform" Luther said "tights" Preston got annoyed "shut up" Vern smirked and kept drawing in his notebook, they heard a noise and saw Mr. Wheaton and river got off of the railing and sat between Ezra and Preston and they seen Mr.wheaton leave the opposite direction of the library.

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