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River was bored so he took out his cigarettes and his matches and he lit his shoe on fire and then he lit his cigarette, everyone was doing something and also just being quite

Preston was paying with his hoodie strings, Vern was playing with string then river slapped his hand on the fire and it was out Vern kept playing with the string and his finger was becoming purple and river was playing the air guitar

Vern was drawing a picture, Preston made a paper football and flicked his finger and when it was gone he made a sport sing and said yeah then boo, Vern was shaking his hair and you could see he had a lot of dandruff and he smiled when he seen his drawing was complete.

river leand back in the seat with his arms behind his head and started do close his eyes

Luther had a pencil in his hand and he was leaning against his hand and it fell out of his hand, Ezra was trying to stay awake but he just couldn't, Vern slowly laid his head down and Preston doing the same thing, they were slowly all falling asleep.

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