S e v e n t e e n

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Everyone just smirked then Vern talked "I never did it either" Ezra looked at him with huge eyes and Vern was smirking and kept talking "I'm not an hypersexuality I am really a compulsive liar" Luther looked at him with huge eyes, Ezra looked at him "you are such a little bitch! You just did that to fuck me over! On purpose"

River smirked and Vern talked "I would do it I mean if you love someone it's okay" Ezra said "I can't believe you,you are so fucked up you don't say shit and then when you open up your mouth you say all of these Terrible lies all over me"

Preston talked "you are just mad he made you say something you didn't want to"

Ezra ran a hand through his hair "fine but it doesn't make it any less fucked"

Preston talked as well "what's crazy? Aren't we are all pretty crazy and some of us are better at hiding it then others?"

Ezra looked at Preston "how are you crazy?"

Preston didn't talk and then Vern talked "he just can't think for his self" Preston nodded his head "he's right do you guys know what I did to be in here" they all shook their heads and Preston continued talking "I tapped Lester's buns together" Ezra giggled and then Luther turned to him "that was you?" Preston turned to him "why you know him?" Luther nodded his head "I know him"

Preston also continued "then you know how hairy he is right" River laughed but Preston just kept talking "When they pulled the tape off a lot of his hair came off and so did some of his skin" Ezra turned his head "oh my god" and Preston looked at Vern "the crazy thing is I did it for my dad I tortured a poor kid because I wanted him to think I was so cool he goes off about how he was in high school and all the crazy things he use to do and I got this feeling that he was disappointed in me that I never cut loose on anyone I'm sitting in the locker room and I'm tapping up my knee and Lester was undressing a couple lockers away and he is kinda weak,skinny I started to think about my dad and his weakness and his attitudes then the next thing I know I started to beat the shit out of him my friends they kept cheering me on and laughing then afterwards I was sitting in the office all I could think about was Lester's dad and Lester going home and telling his dad what happened to him and the fucking humiliation he must of felt it must of been so unreal I mean how can you apologize for something like that there is no way and it's all because of me and my dad I fucking hate him he is like this machine that is mindless and that can't even relate to anymore 'Preston! You got to be number one! I won't let any losers in this family and your intensity is for shit! Win! Win! Son of a bitch sometimes I wish my knee would just give out so then I wouldn't have to wrestle anymore then he could forget about me"

River then said "I think your dad and my dad should get to together and go bowling"

Then Luther talks "that's kinda like me with my grades like when I look at my self you know? And I just see me but I hate what I see"

Ezra looked at him "what is wrong with you why don't you like your self?" He asked and Luther just sighed "it sounds so stupid but because I'm failing shop class we had this huge assignment to make this ceramic thing and we were suppose to do a lamp and when you pull on the string the light goes on but my light it didn't go on and I got an F I have never gotten an F in my whole life and when I signed up I thought I was playing it smart because I thought it would be such an easy way to maintain my grades"

River wasn't looking but he did say "why would you think it would be easy?"

Luther looked at him "have you seen the people who take shop"

"I take shop you must be a fucking dumb ass" River said Luther looked at him "I'm a fucking dumb ass because I couldn't make a lamp"

River looked at him"no you are a fucking genius because you can't make a lamp"

Luther sat up a little "do you know anything about trigonometry?"

River shook his head "I could careless"

Luther then said "well without it there would be no engineering"

River sat up as well "with out lamps there would be no lights"

Ezra then talked "neither of you are better then the other"

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