chapter seven

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season one ; episode two { The Lucky Compass }
chapter seven

BROOKLYN HAD BEEN WANTING ANSWERS on her fathers disappearance since the day he had vanished to look for some shipwreck

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BROOKLYN HAD BEEN WANTING ANSWERS on her fathers disappearance since the day he had vanished to look for some shipwreck. She missed her father more and more everyday and couldn't wait for the day he came back home. For the first few months of his disappearance she would sleep on the sofa by the front door so if he ever did come back, she'd know and be able to greet him.

For nine months, everybody tried to get Brooklyn and John B to believe their father was dead. They say they're in denial. Whatever. Denial's underrated. Its only denial if you're wrong. It doesn't make any sense. Their dad is the last guy who would ever get lost at sea. This compass coming back to his kids, their father's compass, which was passed down for generations, it's a sign. Their dad's still alive, and they're gonna find him.

She hadn't slept much the night before and after seeing the compass, she rushed to her room and just laid there but she couldn't cry and she couldn't get her emotions out so she just sat there.

There was a loud knock on the door which made Brooklyn shoot upwards. "DCS! I know you're in there!" She sprinted out into the living room to find her brother crashed out on the sofa. Her heart started pounding at the thought of DCS taking them today but then JJ's face pounced over to the window, startling John B. "Gotcha, slick. You should've seen your faces. Your face was like..." He burst into laughter but neither of the Routledge twins were amused.

Brooklyn pushed open the front door and whacked JJ around the face, a little part wanting to hurt him.

"Awe, Angel, I'm sorry." His arms embraced her in a warm hug. She tried to break herself free but he started to pepper kisses all over her head.

"JJ! Get the fuck off me!" She screamed, punching his arm but it didn't do much damage to him.

Once he let go, Brooklyn went to get herself changed. She pulled on a pair of shorts and struggled to pull her bikini on. "Fuck." She cursed, trying to tie the knot in the back. "John B!" She called.

"He's outside, princess. What's up?" JJ peered his head around to see her struggling with her bikini top. "Ah, you need help?"

"What? No." She scoffed, pretending like she had everything under control.

JJ ambled towards her, his large hands cold as they touched her skin. She shivered under his touch, goosebumps appearing all over her body. JJ fiddled around with the tie on her bikini but once he tied it, his hands gripped her waist and his lips touched the spot underneath her ear. Her breath hitched as he moved his lips down towards her neck.

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