Chapter 1

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You let out a loud sigh as you stepped into the pizzeria.
"First day on the job...I can do this," You thought to yourself.
You looked around and almost jumped at the sight of a man in a purple suit greeting you.
"Oh! I didn't mean to startle you. Miss Y/n, right?"
"Y-yes! That's me!" You put on a goofy grin.
"Welcome! I understand you've read the guidelines and rules in the email we sent you?"
You nodded.
"Great! Let's get started!" He said, enthusiastically.
"By the by, I am William. William Afton, it's a pleasure to meet you," He winked.
You giggled playfully. You were starting to warm up already, even if you had already been there for say 3 minutes?
Let's just say you were fond of William. He was kind of cute, after all. You were glad you got to work with him, even if it was just filling out paperwork and making advertisements for the company. The only problem was getting into an office with him, since there were shared offices. You had yet to be assigned an office.
You followed him down the hall, passing what you presumed were the offices and the parts and service. He walked farther down and gently knocked on a door almost towards the end. A gentle 'come in' was heard, so he walking in and gestured for you to follow.
The door closed behind you and a man sat behind a desk. The room was kind of small. Two chairs in front of a brown, wooden desk. Along with a bookshelf next to it with a few small, potted plants.
You took a seat in one of the empty seats after William had.
"Hello, Miss. Y/n! Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! We are glad to have you on the team! Now, William has already informed me you've read the email. You know you will be..." the man began reading a list off some paper he held in his hand.
"...working on advertisements and new products in your assigned office, coming out and entertaining children in our spare suits when necessary, and serving pizzas and cake. You'll also be repairing lights if needed. I know you've read the email already, but that was just to freshen up your brain!" He smiled.
You nodded.
"So, uhm, where will my office be Mr. erm...?"
"Mr. Emily! Henry Emily, I am the manager here. Why don't we assign you to be with William? He has an empty space in his office anyways, plus you two have seemingly bonded already," Mr. Emily grinned.
"That would be lovely, thank you," You smiled.
"William here can show you around. Don't be shy to say hi to any other coworkers! We are all family here,"
That damned smile seemed too genuine. It was whatever, though. He did have to keep a good reputation, especially from those rumors. You especially didn't care. Money was money. Dirt is dirt. Math is math.
You waved goodbye to your boss and followed William down the hall.
"Is this your very first job?" He inquired.
"I've worked in fast food before, I don't recommend by the way, but this is my second," You smiled warmly at him.
"Ah, you look young. I wasn't exactly sure," He chuckled.
You blushed at the compliment.
"O-oh! I'm only 19. I don't look 16, do I?"
"Haha, you in fact do. My apologies if this is...unnerving to you,"
"Oh, no! It's completely okay! I can take just about anything, except for a few words,"
You signed at the last few words you spoke.
He seemed interested, smirk plastered on his face. But he dropped it, leaving you some space.
"Welp, this is it," He opened a door.
A small, rectangular room was revealed. A desk on each side with a small cubicle surrounding them. A small, black loveseat was splat in the middle of the room.
Very office looking, not surprising at all.
"Right side is yours, I've already claimed left. It'll be nice to finally have some company in here," He chuckled again.
That chuckle. That damn chuckle was so fucking hot. You noticeably turned red whenever he chuckled. You hoped he didn't notice.
"Thank you, it will be nice," You smiled at him.
He gave you a smirk.


You started packing your things up as 12:00 had arrived. You worked 12pm to 12am, when the night guard would show up. William was also packing his things up.
"Hey, William," You spoke aloud.
"Hm?" He hummed, not looking up.
"I just wanted to...thank you. For being nice and all, you know? It actually kind of means a lot," You smiled sheepishly.
You looked back down at your bag and set your phone inside. You felt a hand on your shoulder.
"Of course, doll face,"
You looked up, he was all packed up and about to head out. Presumably home.
"Do you need me to walk you out to your car?"
You were surprised at the sudden question.
"N-no, I've got it. Thank you, though," You smiled up at him.
He smirked again, then began heading out.
"See ya tomorrow, Y/n. Drive safe," He left the room.
You waved as he left, then return your attention to your bag. You picked it up and slung it over your shoulders. You always used backpacks instead of purses. They were easier to carry. You made sure the computer was shut off and turned out the lights before you left the room, starting down the hallway after leaving the office.
You felt eyes watching you as you left, following you all the way until the exit. You checked the clock-out sheet to see who was still here and who wasn't.
Signing your name, you didn't have to lock up since a few others were still here. Including William. You shrugged it off. He was probably talking to the boss or forgot something.

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