chapter one

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ooi.                auto-pilot.

She'd hate to admit it, but she's been waiting for this all day. It was just an excuse to get drunk around older people and have them judge you for it — it was Marlo's favorite pastime. She had taken a shower, primped and primed herself to her best ability, and walked on over to the party. Marlo wore a pair of warm, beige corduroy dungarees with a maroon based stripped shirt and a size large olive cargo jacket. Her short waterproof boots crunched into the snow rapidly as she caught up to the mousy-haired friend of hers. She had a cigarette between her small dainty lips coolly, leaning on a light pole. The girl brought a lighter from her pocket to her lips, then wiggled her fingers at Marlo.

            Danielle inhaled, exhaling with words. "Took you long enough. I was beginning to think you stood me up." She coughed, wrapping one of her arms over  her shoulders. Marlo held her cigarette free hand over her shoulders, swaying as they walked towards the muffling sounds of music. "I was thinking about it." She teased, kicking the snow. Marlo wasn't keen on keeping close friendships, but her relationship with Dani was definitely something to think about. She'd met her when she'd first arrived to Jackson awhile back — that's when she'd met most of her friends. Some were closer than others, but nonetheless she considered them all to be her friends. Daniella snaked her arm away from her shoulder, lightly shoving her shoulder. An obnoxious laugh fell from Marlo's plump lips, as she returned. "Hey, hey, hey! Cigarettes are limited — every last one of 'em count."

             Marlo scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Those things are deadly anyway. They'll have you coughin' out your lungs by forty-five." She exaggerated loud obnoxious coughing, stumbling near the smoker. Danielle giggled holding her hands out to push the girl away. The music was becoming much louder, but still muffled from the thick walls of the home. "That's if I live to see forty-five." The two girls had arrived at the home, people going in and out of the front door. They glanced at one another with sparkling eyes of excitement before jogging up the cement stairs. Marlo was hit was a cloud of smoke and the thick smell of whiskey and wine. Folk music played, people danced happily like it was some sort of celtic ritual. For the first time, she felt genuinely happy in the space of the community residents. Danielle threw her cigarette out onto the snow, slowly following behind the giddy girl.

She grabbed her dates hands, immediately jumping into the middle. Danielle's hand snaked around her small waist, her other hand holding her right in the air. Giggles erupted from their throats as they jumped around in circles. As they turned in circles with glee, her eyes connected with a woodsy pair a few feet from her. She was leaning against a tall cabinet, drink in hand, standing next to the taller familiar face — Jesse. Her short auburn hair was pulled towards the back of her head in a ponytail, thin strands framing her freckled face. All of a sudden, she had a need to grab a drink. "Hey, you wanna drink?" She placed her hands on the mousy-haired girls shoulders. Danielle peered over Marlo's shorter shoulder at the freckled girl avoiding her eyes, talking to the asian man beside her. "Nope, but tell Ellie I said hello." She winked, teasingly.

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