Chapter 4

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Few Days Later

Mary POV:
Yumeko went is going on this big show thing with Yumemi and Ryota too. They're gambling against that famous superstar from Hollywood. I went on Yourtube to see everything but couldn't pay attention due to whispers in the hall way. Like "is that the Vice President" or "why is the Vice President following her". The Vice President has been following me for a couple days now and it's kind weird but not really we have a few conversations but it gets awkward cause of the at damn mask. Once we're alone I put my leg against the wall trapping her.

Mary: okay this following act is getting kinda weird! You have been everywhere! In the hallways, in class, and even the bathroom! And with that freaky mask!

I didn't mean to be harsh but I needed to stand my ground. She took off her mask revealing her beautiful fa- I mean... whatever he face- who am I kidding it is beautiful. I kind got distracted and didn't hear what she said at first.

Mary: I'm sorry?

Ririka: I said "we made a deal right". I'm sorry Mary.

Mary: ugh if you're really sorry then gamble for me.

Ririka: gamble!? Uhh...

Mary: what!

Ririka: nothing.

Mary: ugh fine I have stuff to do.

I walked away hearing her say one last thing.

Ririka: I won't disappoint you Mary!

I was gonna yell back something snarky but I just realized I don't even know her name.

Blonde and Silver (Mary and Ririka)Where stories live. Discover now