𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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     I was rather rudely awoken by Cullaway, my wonderful lullaby producer, vomiting up the hot cakes he had. I dragged myself out of the bed and got dressed. I knew we would be arriving in the Capitol today, so I put on a dress that could help me get sponsors. It was rather simple, a white wrap dress that I paired with the necklace Abigail had given me. Once I'd finished preparing myself for the day, I walked out to the mess of a dining room. Cullaway was being lectured by Saffron, and the people in red were cleaning up his mess, while Finnick and Mags watched this all unfoald, looking bewhildered.
     All of this came to a halt when Saffron noticed me, and walked over, wrapping her arm around me.
"THIS, is what a good tribute looks like", she seethed, obviously still upset over Mr. Cuttlefish making a mess.
"Well my dear, best get yourself suited for they day, you woke rather late, oh be careful of that vomit there, we'll be arriving shortly", she finished gasping for air. Someone was uptight today, maybe she tied her corset too tight.
     I didn't eat too much, as Saffron was hounding me about the parade coming up the next day. By the time I'd finished my light breakfast of yogurt, granola, and sliced fruit, we had just about arrived at the Capitol. Cullaway was pressed against the glass, practically drooling over the city. If he continued acting like this, he wasn't getting any sponsors.
     Once we neared the station, I stood next to one of the windows, so I could see who would be watching me fight to death. They look like maniacs. I turned to Mags with a look of confusion, to which she gave me a slight shrug in response. Reluctantly, I turned back around and put on a smile, waving to these insanely dressed people.
     The moment we stepped off the train, we re bombarded with people trying to grab us or get some kind of attention. People were yelling my name, cheering me on. I didn't bother glancing back an Cullaway, he probably looked like the drunk victor from District 12, Haymitch I think his name was. Regardless of whatever Cullaway was doing, I continued walking  through the crowd, seemingly unbothered. Once we reached the tribute center, no was when Finnick said the torture began. He was correct.
     I'd been waxed, shaved, plucked, bathed, and slathered with oils and lotions till I felt like a baby. I felt rather numb, who knew your body hair being tweezed was so painful. Eventually my prep team of psychopaths finished their job, and dragged me to a room, where I stood rather awkwardly, naked. Eventually, a tall woman, who's skin had been dyed a light blue entered the room. She looked like a strange painting brought to life, with eyelashes as long as my fingers were attached to her eyes, and that wasn't even the most outrageous part. She was carrying a blue dog in her arm, leaving me gaping. A blue dog? That couldn't be healthy.
      She moment she saw me, she gasped in delight and plopped the poor dog down, and began examining me, muttering softly under her breath. Eventually she finished, and bent down to zoom in on my face, then breaking out in a rather creepy grin.
"My name is Aprofable, and I am your stylist, here to make you look the best you can!", she tweeted, her ridiculous Capitol accent raging havoc in her speech. Unsure what to say, I have a smile, which may have been more a grimace, but she skipped past that, immediately pouncing on me with the dress she carried.

An hour later, I looked like some sort of fish warrior. She'd shoved me in a type of warrior outfit, shining with scales. As if it wasn't already hard enough to walk in, she shoved the most uncomfortable shoes on me, they felt like they were made of metal. This woman really had to calm moment, as she then plonked a helmet, made of the same iridescent metal material. I didn't look bad. I just looked... like a soldier who took a bath in shiny poop. I stalked out the room, towards my cart. I felt as if I were a toy doll in this get up, it was almost impossible to walk in. As I neared where the cart was, a shiny swarm or pink and silk encircled me. Frantically turning to escape this tornado of pink, I turned to find a grinning face  staring back at me.
"Hiya! I'm Cecilia, District 1!", she chirped. Once she'd retracted, I scanned her quickly. She was pretty, no doubt about it, but also seemed like the classic District 1 airhead. I couldn't under estimate her too much though, as that was the mistake previous tributes made when they faced Cashmere, the blonde victor from 1. 
Forcing a grin, I replied. "Wonderful to meet you, I hope we can continue the traditional alliance this year". District 4 was sometimes caught in the Career mix. Not always, but I knew I would be allowed in. It's kind of funny, we only began calling ourselves Careers because outer lying districts began too.
Thankfully, before she could drag me into my chatter, Finnick walked over and rescued me from the conversation.
"My hero", I muttered, which thankfully, he laughed at.
This dumb costume ended up being so stiff, they had to lift us onto the cart, Cullaway being dressed very similar to me. And thus, without
another hitch, we were shoved off, into the blinding lights of the Capitol.

perfectly out of place- finnick odairWhere stories live. Discover now