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Okay so it's the most unreliable wattpad author in the world here to tell you something that you must hold lightly, completely in the air.

I'm going to update more.

My problem is life. Life is a real buzz kill, you know it? I mean here I am wanting to just sit on my flat butt and eat lindor truffles and write my books and wattpad stuff all day but NO it just has to throw fricking school into the whole dang mix. Did I mention I'm in an incredibly vigorous creative writing program that sucks the energy out of me? It's totally awesome, but like a vampire (;)) , drains all the energy from my body.

Anyway, as today is new years and mid terms I haven't even studied for yet (Whoops) I just wanted to let you all know that I didn't forget my small little set of wattpad followers. In fact, you're all the reason I made it in to my school, I forgot who, but someone voted for my story, and then another person commented and that's when I realized I might have enough endurance in me to become a fiction writer.  So I owe it to you guys to tell you the truth and the truth is:

I AM TOTALLY UNRELIABLE WHEN IT COMES TO UPDATING! I mean, I'm always busy, and I've never been good at schedules or organizing anyway(did you know world war 3 happened in my room?) Which is why you all have to hold what I'm about to so next loosely(and I applaud all of the writers who stick to a schedule, you're what's right in this world):

I will be updating at least every two weeks. And that's saying alot for me, but I don't want to lose you guys, and I don't want to lose this story either. Plus, I'm thinking about starting a vampire diaries-esk type series.

But more on that later, I need to stop creating more fiction and start finishing it.

Anyway love you all and all that jazz. And I would say happy new year but when you think about it, there are no years, man concocted it.

Anyway, on that cheery note, merry late Christmas.

And may no vampires kill you in your sleep :)

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