I will never leave you.

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So exams have left me feeling exhausted! ButI've finally finished them(thank god) and now I'm back and I want to write for you guys Cuz remember, I'mtrying tobe more consistent.

Anyway the song is A punk by Vampire Weekend.

Type: indie, Africanguitar, acoustic  pop

This is a really good song and I recommend listening to it while reading this.

Summer's P.O.V:
Have you ever been so focused on one thing even though you know you shouldn't? That's what I feel like. Every lash of pain for Tobias runs through my body. My wolf yearns for the touch of his skin, just the feeling of his arms around her - or me. I'm not in the hospital anymore, I got discharged. Right now I'm frantically driving around town like a mess looking for any weapon that would have an affect against these guys. The only people who would know how to torture a werewolf are hunters, vampires, or the windigos. Lets just say none of those options sound very postive. 

So far I've collected my silver bullets, some argron knives(knives that have special enchantments on them), and most importantly, a stone light. A stone light is to be used at the last resort but could obliterate any of those crazies to pieces if push came to shove. 

No one messes with my Tobias. Part of me doesn't even care, I just want to be with Tobias and then the other part wants nothing to do with him. But I know one thing for sure, I can't make my descion if he's dead. All I can think is how much fun it's going to be to blow their heads off of their bodies. 

And then Tobias. 

Just seeing him alive, hopefully uninjured, will be all the payment I need. 

I'm coming Tobias. 


Tobias's P.O.V:

Every lash feels like a drain. Death doesn't seem increasingly far away, and the men have started to get frustrated. Kicking and punching me, throwing bear bottles, wolfsbane, silver powder. they just love to get pissed off. So far, from what I can tell, the're not just one species, some are hunters, some are Vamps, a few Werewolves even(imagine my surprise), and a lot of windigos. The one thought that keeps me going is Summer.

My Summer. Just hearing her name in my head relieves some of the pain. It's funny how liking her comes so easy, I guess because we're mates, but its odd, it's as if I don't even have to try, I just do. I close my eyes, my consciousness wavering. I'm not sure how she's going to find me, but if I know one thing, I know that Summer will find me. 

BOOM!!! A crash rocks the cellar, my hind lifts up, Summer.

"ALRIGHT BITCHES, WHO'S FIRST?" I hear her snarl as she descends down the stairs. 

Side note: Female werewolves, although not as strong as males, terribly more frightening, assertive, and their healing and pain tolerance is 3x faster. 

There's at least 13 guys in the room and she's already targeting the vampires with super speed plummeting a argron knife into one's chest and then as they start to charge at her she flicks another kinfe with the flick of her wrist at another Vampire's heart. She works in lightning speed, stabbing, punching. and then finally a bright light bursts from her palm. 

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