A little romance💝

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We reach at Tanzim's house at 3:00 pm.Tanzim is Mim's boyfriend.To me he is the best jiju ever and ever and everrr...Maha,Amina,Aisha,Fatin and I are so excited..We 4 girls from our gang and Rita,Arham,Tanzim,Jimm from Arham's gang are the members who are gonna give surprise to Mim.We reach early for decoration.

Fatin:Mim's best friend Rita is here.What Mim is gonna do with us.😑
Amina:Don't be jealous 😆
Maha:Important thing is what Arham is gonna do with Samya😍
Amina:I feel like Arham did everything on purpose.He wanted to see Samya that's why he called us.
Maha:You know what?Pointing Samya, Jimm and Tanzim were teasing Arham.I've seen this.
Aisha:He was staring at Samya😍

I'm fed up with there stupid "shipping dialogues".So I remain silent.In fact it's an interesting topic.I mean I know this ship is terrible yet amazing..

*What's wrong with me?*

I've never liked this topic before!

Tanzim enters inside our room and then..

Tanzim:Can anyone come?I need help.
All my friends together:TAKE SAMYA...SHE ISN'T BUSY AT ALL!!!!

Me:What??Why??you want me to go alone?
Fatin:Yeah.It's good for you and for our ship.
Me:I'll kill you..
Tanzim:I'd love to take Samya.Indeed she is the best member.

I can't refuse to Tanzim's request.We have an amazing relation with Tanzim.We like him as our brother in law so much.

Tanzim:Arham and Samya both of you decorate this room.
Arham:Wasn't there any other girl.??I mean why this hot tempered girl!!
Me:I guess you are afraid of me.
Tanzim:Bro what's wrong with Samya.?she's a very good girl.,very gentle girl,very kind girl...very.....
Arham: you high?You mean this girl is gentle..?She keeps screaming all the time.😑
Samya:As if you don't disturb me
Tanzim:Stop quarreling guys.Focus on your work.

After Tanzim leaves Arham looks at me in an idiotic way..

Arham:Looks like I'm gonna damage my hearing capacity..
Me:Oho I feel pity for you.
Arham:Now why are you staring at me.Come on help me.
Me:I stare at you??You are the one who keeps staring at me..

*Ooooooopsssss What did I say??*

Arham:I stare at you??In your dreams..?!Or maybe in my dreams..
Me:flirty guy..
Arham:Okay now you hold this chair otherwise I'll be in danger.
Me:Thats good for me.
Arham:Why?So that I can fall over you??
Me:No..So that you can fracture your bones.

An unexpected thing happens.I think the best and worst things in life are always unexpected.Arham slips his legs and falls over me.We both remain silent for several seconds.We are laying on the floor in the midst of so many purple and silver balloons.Windows are open and soft breeze enters inside our room.A balloon suddenly bursts and finally the silence breaks.

Arham:I think we have an amazing relation with balloons.
Me:but I think you should get up from me.It's suffocating.
Arham:But I'm feeling good.
Me:You want me to slap you..?
Arham:I am sorry..

I can't control my laughter right now.This guy is really funny.But I have to control my laughter.Otherwise he may think that I'm blushing.

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