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Arham and I come to the downstairs.Then we see Mou waving at us.

Mou:Hey Arham.Where were you?I've been searching for you.
Arham:sorry.I was with Samya on the rooftop.
Mou:With Samya??You guys know each other?
Arham:Unfortunately yeah.

Unfortunately??What does he mean by that?

Mou:Why?Don't you like her??
Arham:Is there anything about her that I should like??I'm so tired of her attitude.I dont like her.

These words attack me badly.I've started dreaming about him and now he says that he doesn't like me at all.💔

I understand sometimes we quarrel but that doesn't mean he should get tired of me.He could have told me that I show him attitude instead of telling this Mou.once he complimented me but today..

**Double standard bi*** Arham!!***

Me:You are tired of me??Why do you pretend to be nice with me every time??You could 've said this to me before!!

I yell.

Arham:Its good to be nice with everyone.I don't pretend to be nice okay??You overreact Samya.You should stop this habit of yours.

He's right.I overreact.I misunderstood him before.I thought he likes me back but no..Actually he is sweet with everyone,he flirts with everyone,he compliments everyone.

Maybe just like me many other girls believe that he likes them too.

I'm about to cry.Our tears are more stubborn than us.They come out when we don't want them to come.😑

Arham shockingly looks at me..

Arham:You crying??

I wipe my tears and leave the place.

It's gonna be difficult to accept the bitter truth..

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