Stuck in the Lift

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Class captain Maha is absent today because of her cousin's wedding.So I've taken her responsibility for a day.I need to go to the Main Campus by carrying 15 practical copies.After reaching Main Campus I press the button of lift and enter inside.When the lift accelerated upto 3rd floor the door opens and I can see Arham outside the lift.Our eyes meet and he makes an expression as if he is extremely annoyed.Then he enters inside the lift.

Arham:Why do I've to start my day by seeing your face?
Me:I wish I would know the answer.
Arham:How can  you carry so many copies at a time?
Me:I can.I am energetic.
Arham:You cannot even walk properly let alone carrying copies.
Me:Either you shut your shitty mouth or I'm gonna use my stapler to shut it.
Arham:Use your stapler if you can.Huh.threatening me?

           Suddenly the lift shakes and stops.What's wrong with the lift now??

Me:Oh no!
Arham:Oh yes!
Me:We are stuck in the lift!!
Arham:Chill girl.
Me:Here we are stuck in this horrible place and you are telling me to Chill???
Arham:The lift will never open if you keep screaming like this.
Me:Oh Allah please save us.
Arham:Actually I'm a bit confused if I should be happy or sad.Happy because I missed the class and sad because I'm stuck with you who keeps screaming like a crow all the time.

      This guy speaks too much.I wish I could use his dumb head to break the door of the lift and get out of here.

A few minutes later...

Arham:Hey what's that beside your shoes?

     I look down and see a cockroach.I scream loudly after  throwing all the  copies from my hand.


    I grab his shoulders pulling him roughly against me.Arham places his hands on my waist gently and whispers..

Arham:It's all right.I'm with you.Don't be afraid.

How pleasant his voice is!I grabbed him so rudely but how calmly he whisperd.!For the first time I feel something weird in my heart.This warm nervous  feeling is amazing,full of extreme excitement.Isn't he that Arham who used to irritate me.?Everything on this planet seems to be stopped except me and him.A few seconds later we realise that we are too close to each other.We let us leave each other.

Arham:The cockroach ran away by hearing your scream.poor cockroach.
Me:I'm dying here and you feel pity for cockroach.
Arham:You were know you looked like cherry..
Me:I hate cherry.
Arham:Is there anything in this world that you love??You seem to be annoyed 24/7.
Me:You are the one  for whom I'm annoyed.😠

        The lift starts to move again.Was it Destiny that made the lift stop?I wonder what this Destiny wants??

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