Chapter 6 - WHAT?!

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I flinched a bit as Noah wrapped his arms around my waist, making me feel protected and loved.


I wake up still being held. We're face to face and he's holding me in his arms. He just stares at me with amazement in his eyes. I rub my eyes. Am I dreaming? "Hey," He says to me. I look at him. "Hey." "Did you sleep okay?" He asks. "Yeah, better than usual.." He sees that something's wrong, "What's on your mind?" "Do you think of me differently now that you've seen.. all the marks?" I ask, looking down at his chest. "No, no. Maybe more concerned but I think of you the same. I just wanna be there for you and I wouldn't ever go back and change it," he tells me sweetly. "Okay," is all I say as I look back up into his eyes. "Hey uh.. can I.. can I kiss you?" Woah. Wasn't expecting that. What do I say? Does he like me? Of course not, he just wants to get in your pants. No. He's so much more than that. "I.. yeah," I reply. He smiles a little as we lean in and I feel his soft luscious lips touch mine gently. We kiss and I feel flutters in my stomach. Woah. I never thought in a million years that this would feel so.. good. But it's happening. And I don't regret a single thing. It goes from a little peck on the lips, to a heated make out session. He pulls me as close to him as possible, my stomach rubbing up against his. I flinch a bit because of my cuts. He pulls away instantly, "You okay?" He asks me. "Mhm," I nod and put my hand on his check, pulling him back in, kissing him again. He kisses back. He feels so comforting, so warm. I tangle my hand in his hair and he rolls over so he's on top of me, still not breaking the kiss. Our lips move in sync, gentle but with affection. He breaks the kiss for a moment to place his lips on my neck. He kisses my neck, making my breath hitch. He sucks lightly on my neck and I gasp, swaying my hips a little, loving the sensation. He sucks a little deeper in a different spot closer to my collarbone and I couldn't stop myself from letting out a moan, it felt beyond great. In the heat of it all, we don't hear the door open. "WHAT?! THE FUCK?!" I hear Alex yell in confusion. Me and Noah see him in the doorway and break away from our little moment. I quickly throw a blanket over myself because my body covered in cuts is showing. Alex just stands there speechless. "Uh-- I um," I tried to say, but I really didn't have any words. Alex just looks shocked. And kind of hurt, too. I don't know why. Emilio then comes upstairs and says, "What's wrong?" Looking at Alex. He takes a sip from his water bottle. "I heard a yell- oh, what the fuck?" He continues, almost choking on his water when he sees me and Noah. "What is happening right now?!" Alex raises his voice. "What are y'all- what? Fuck!" Alex yells. "Well I could've seen this coming," Emilio says making a side comment. "Umm. Just, can y'all get out and give us a second?" Noah asked them. "Bro.." is all Alex can manage to respond with and they leave the room, closing the door. I put on a dark grey hoodie, along with back sweatpants. Noah looks at me, smirks, then looks at the ground. "What?" I ask. "Do you trust me?" He asks me, looking back up and into my eyes. "Yeah.. why?" I ask in confusion. He smirks and says, "Just.. put your hood on." I didn't ask any questions and shrug while pulling the hood up over my head, bringing my hair forwards.

We go downstairs to see that everyone is finally here except my brother and George. I see Alice sitting on the couch next to Thomas and Emilio. "Hey Ally, how was school?" I asked her while gesturing for a hug. She got up and hugged me. "It was good. Uncle Emily gave me some yogurt and look! He gave me a tattoo!! It says.. Uncle Emilo is da best. Wait.. I never said you could write this!!" She exclaims, showing me the words that Emilio wrote in sharpie on her right arm. Emilio laughs. This girl is gonna grow up such a bad bitch and she's only 10. But in a good way of course. "Oh, um uncle Emily, where's Kevin and George?" I ask, slightly laughing at the nickname Alice has for him. He smiles at me and tells me they're at the smoke shop and I nod my head. I go and pick a spot on the couch towards the middle so I can see the tv well. I plop myself down and sigh. Everyone needs a good sigh every once in a while. I wonder why Alex seemed so upset... Everyone (that's present at the house) picks a spot on the couch. I feel a fluffy blanket be put over me from behind me. I turn and see Alex. "Thank you," I say to him. "No problemo" he replies back. He sits back down next to me and as if on cue, Kevin and George walk in. Everyone gets comfy and then we pick a movie. We decided to watch this movie called 'rug'
A/n: not a real movie
About 20 minutes into the movie, everyone's passing a blunt. We have Alice sit in a spot where we don't blow the smoke at. She doesn't smoke with us, that won't happen until she's at least 14 or 15 if she ever did wanna try it.

To be continued..

A/n: Sorry it ended kind of boring but I just wanted to get this chapter up. Thanks for reading to the end! I hope you enjoy the next one as well!!

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