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Chaeyoung: Would you go to the dance with me?

My heart melted. Did she just invite me to go to the dance with her?

Chaeyoung: I-It's fine if you don't want to go. I-I just want you to have fun an-

I cut her off with a kiss. Yes, Baby cub.

Chaeyoung: Oh, it's a yes. It's a yes!

She jumped excitedly. I laughed. Cutie. She grabbed my hand.

Chaeyoung: Jump with me, Penguin!

Well, I have no choice. I did a little jump. She grinned then wrapped her arms around me.

Chaeng always makes me forget about my problems. She makes me smile and laugh after a bad day, not even Sana and Momo could make me happy that fast. Speaking of problems, I wonder if my parents want to talk to me anymore. And I don't know if I would ever come out to them. Would they even want a lesbian daughter? Would they love me? The answer is obvious. It's no.

Chaeyoung: Babe? Are you okay?

I looked at her.

Mina: Y-Yeah. Just... thinking about...

I trailed off. Damnit, Mina! Get your head together. It feels like a fog is in my mind whenever I think about it. Fuck, it's tiring to keep thinking about shit like this. Stop being so sad and be happy for once, Mina.

Mina: S-Sorry for being a downer. I just can't stop thinking about...

Chaeyoung: I understand, Minari. I can help anytime you need me.

Mina: I... need you now. But let's just go home, it's getting late.

She nodded and put her arm around my shoulders.


Sanake: Yoooo. Did Chaeng invite you to the dance?

Minaguin: Yeah, how did you know?

Sanake: Information tht i just learnt.

Mochine: You finally accepted that youre into her and made her your girlfriend

Minaguin: Gotta go. Chaeng is in my to-do list right now.


I turned off my phone. What was she thinking about? Wait... WHERE THE HELL IS THE HOLY WATER. THIS MOTHERFUCKING GIRL.

Chaeyoung: You turned off your phone fast. What did they say?

Mina: U-Uh, something inappropriate. Sana thinks we're doing inappropriate stuff.

Chaeyoung thought about it. Her eyes widen as she realised what Sana meant.

Chaeyoung: O-Oh. Right, maybe next time.

She winked. God damn, that was fatal! My phone rang. Aunty Nayeon. I answered it.

Mina: Hello?

Aunty Nayeon: Mina? Your parents are expecting you to come home now. They want to talk to you about that conversation.

I looked at Chaeyoung. The fuck do they want with me now?

Mina: Nah, not today, A.N. I'm gonna stay with Chaeng for a while.

Aunty Nayeon: You've been hanging out with Chaeng a lot these past few months. Are you dating?

Mina: Unofficially dating, yes. But maybe we'll be official soon.

Aunty Nayeon: Well, I suspected it. Be back soon, okay? Love you.

Mina: Yeah, love you too, A.N.

I hunged up. Would I come home? Should I? What would happen if I came home? That would be super stressful. I can't handle looking at my parent's faces. I wonder how I would come out of the closet. Would it be like coming home with Chaeng and be like "hey, you have a gay daughter. I'm gonna move in with Chaeng since we're dating, okay bye!" Would that be an awkward way to come out?

Chaeyoung: Penguin? You're thinking about coming out, right?

Mina: How do you know?

She smirked then playfully hit my shoulder.

Chaeyoung: You were basically saying it aloud.

What the fuck is wrong with me today? And why the fuck did I say that aloud?

Chaeyoung: Hey, it's not wrong. Take your time and if you're ready, I'll be with you. Just to let you know, you're cute when you're shy.

Mina: O-Oh, u-uh. thanks.

I covered my face. God, why does she have to flirt with me?  She's way more fatal than usual these days. 

Mina: Anyways, I love you. Like really, I do.

Chaeyoung: Aw, love you too, Mina.

She hugged me.

Chaeyoung: Okay, now we should really go home.

I laughed before heading for the door.

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