Chapter 8- Chase

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Shockingly, Werewolf and I manage not to kill each other even without the supervision of Levi and Nate. And we actually finish on time, which is even more surprising. The teacher doesn't look too shocked as she thanks us- maybe because we're both athletes? Or, more likely, she just underestimated how much work it was to run to and from the basement carrying tables one at a time. And then set up like three hundred chairs, which was less physically exhausting, but very tedious and time-consuming.

"So, you didn't kill each other without me there. That's a plus," Levi comments as we get our stuff from our lockers for third period.

"We didn't have time. We were too busy bringing tables from the basement to the gym and then setting up about three hundred chairs in evenly spaced rows."

He grins a little. "Sounds like you had a fun lunch hour."

"Oh, it was a blast," I say with as much sarcasm as I can manage. "Such a great time. Okay, but seriously: there are tables in the storage closet right next to the gym. Why did we have to get the ones from the basement? That's so extra!"

He's still smirking. "Maybe the guest speaker was going to be talking about the effects on tables of being stored in basements."

I roll my eyes.

"Seriously, though. This is literally the coaches line of reasoning with this whole thing. If you guys are working hard enough, you'll forget to hate each other's guts."

"I still hate his guts, and I have no doubt he still hates mine."

"But you didn't get in a fight. You actually worked together for once. Even if you don't like each other, you still tolerated each others' presence enough to get the job done."

"I still can't believe it," I grumble as we start towards our class.

"Hey, neither would I, based on the way you two act most of the time. But it kind of makes sense, because you both play team sports, so you're able to get into the mindset of just getting something done."

That makes it make more sense, actually. "So we can tolerate each other as long as we're not talking, and we're working on something physical while under a tight schedule."

"Well, when you put it like that, it sounds a lot less positive."

"Nothing involving me and Werewolf is positive," I assure him. He rolls his eyes.

Third and fourth period pass relatively quickly (miraculously). And then we're back at our lockers again, unloading out backpacks before basketball practice.

"You recovered from your lunch hour marathon?" Levi jokes, smirking. I roll my eyes.

"It wasn't that strenuous, more-"

"Hey, babe. Talking about your new job?"

I absently loop an arm around Ashley and nod.

"He managed not to fight with Jordan for all of lunch hour," Levi tells her, and she gives me a teasing grin.

"Aww, I'm so proud of you babe!" She puts her arms around my neck and pulls me down/ pulls herself up to kiss my cheek. I smile, but I'm distracted. If I am gay, or bi, or pan, or whatever... What does that mean for me and Ashley? Should I tell her, at least about the guy that I made out with for seven minutes in heaven? It feels like I'm keeping something if I don't tell her... but it also feels like I might be blowing it out of proportion if I do. What if it's nothing? What if I make a big deal out of this for no reason at all? What if she thinks I've been using her to deny my sexuality, or that I was lying to her about it, or- any number of things, really.

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