Chapter 16- Chase

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I show up to the location of the car wash about a half an hour before it starts, because Levi and I carpooled and he's the student leader of the GSA.

I help set up, and just minutes before eight, Nate and Jordan show up in what I assume to be Nate's parents' car. I try to ignore the twinge in my stomach when I see Jordan already looking at me. He looks better today- less exhausted. He gets out of the car and goes straight to Levi. I get there first, since I was pretty much right there, plus I'm taller and have longer legs than him.

"Are we late?" is the first thing he says.

"No," Levi tells him. "And even if you were, we don't have any customers yet."

"Incorrect. Nate's parents."

"Did Nate bring money?"


"Great, tell him he can get in the first lane and we'll get started."

I grab the soaping supplies and gesture to Jordan, who follows suit. Soon enough, we're soaping Nate's parents' car, which is fortunately not huge. Nate's somewhere talking to Levi, and the rest of the GSA kids are off doing other things while they wait for Jordan and I to finish soaping the car. I can't help but sneak glances at him every once in a while, especially knowing that no one but him is around to see me.

He looks good, which is something I've been noticing a lot lately. He's in jeans that have clearly been used in some kind of project: they're covered in paint and ripped at the knees. They hug his waist just a little, though, though not because they're tight. In fact, they're relatively baggy. Just not... there.

And then a solid white T-shirt that highlights the contours of his chest. As if it was necessary.

I get away with sneaking in these little glances for a few minutes until he catches me looking at him and eyes me suspiciously. "What?"

"You look good today, Werewolf. Better," I immediately correct. "You slept well, I assume?"

He nods, focusing back on the car. "Yeah."

I smirk a little. "Did you take a nap?"

I swear I see his cheeks redden. "I- yeah. It helped. Thanks- for the suggestion."

I study his cheeks even closer, because they are red. He ducks his head out of my sight.


"Are you blushing?"


"And by that you mean yes?"


I go over to him, unable to help myself. He glares at me, and by now almost his whole face is bright pink. I stare, fascinated, and resist the urge to reach out and run my thumb over his cheek. "You're so blushing."

"Shut up," he grumbles.


"Because I want you to."

"No, why are you blushing?"

He glares at me again- glares up at me, because I'm close enough now that he has to do that. He may be more muscular, but I'm taller. "That's none of your business."

"Did you really nap, or are you just lying because you don't want me to think you're an ungrateful little ingrate?"

"That's redundant. You're horrible at coming up with insults. And yes, I actually did. I don't care if you think I'm ungrateful."

I resist the urge to loop my arm around his waist and pull him closer to me. "So then why are you blushing?"

"Maybe I'm actually working unlike some people and am hot since we're outside and it's sunny and-"

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