Chapter 28- Chase

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Breakfast with Jordan and my dad is surprisingly nice. He can (apparently) be very charming and polite when he wants to be, which is news to me. I can already tell my dad adores him. Which I like, because my dad is kind of my only family.

I'm sure I at least partially surprised him when I said Jordan was my boyfriend last night, because I've never shown any interest in guys before and didn't mention anything about my whole sexual-identity-crisis to him because I had no idea what was real and what was just in my head. So... surprise!

He took it really well though. Well, he took it about exactly how I imagined him taking it. One blink, then 'okay'. No big, 'why didn't I know about this' or even 'how come you didn't tell me before I stayed at work so you could be alone together at night with your new boyfriend'. He's very chill. I think he actively tries not to be overbearing since he knows I don't like showing my emotions due to the thing with my mom. I know he's there if I want to talk, and it's not that he doesn't care- it's just that he doesn't want to make me uncomfortable. Which I really do appreciate.

Anyways. Breakfast with my boyfriend and my dad. Surprisingly nice and not at all awkward, but not that surprising because my dad's good at talking to people and really good at not making people uncomfortable.

Also, my dad made crepes. Which automatically makes everything ten times better.

He offered to let me and Jordan take our food somewhere else and eat alone, but I usually eat breakfast on weekends with my dad, and no one gets in the way of that. If Jordan had a problem with it, then this whole boyfriends thing wouldn't have worked out anyways. I'm still kind of unreasonably happy when he tells me after breakfast that he thinks it's really cool that my dad and I eat breakfast together on weekends (also, he told my dad that the crepes were fantastic and I'm fairly certain he wasn't just being polite, because my dad's crepes are the best).

After breakfast, we go back to the couch and 'watch TV' (make out with the TV on so my dad can't hear us gasping and groaning into each others' mouths, and I'm pretty sure my dad has figured out at this point not to come in).

"I really like your dad. He's super chill," Jordan tells me while we catch our breath between makeout sessions.

"He adores you already, I can tell."

He looks pretty pleased to hear that, and I'm secretly very happy that he cares about my dad's approval. "Okay, question: did he actually make those crepes from scratch? Because those were like, next level crepes, and it seems like they were too good to be made out of flour and stuff."

"So what, you think he used store-bought crepe mix? Is that a thing?"

He pauses. "No, it seemed too good for that, too."

I laugh. "Then where do you think they came from?"

"Heaven," he says seriously, and I laugh again, leaning into him to peck his cheek.

"You're hilarious."

"I'm serious!"

I grin and snuggle closer to him. He wraps his muscular arms around me, and I absentmindedly trace his bicep with my fingertips.

"I'm pretty sure that my dad's crepes didn't fall straight from heaven onto your plate," I murmur. "And I'm relatively certain I saw a bag of flour out this morning."

"To keep up appearances. He'd have to deal with a lot of media attention if word got out about this."

I grin a little, still running my fingers over his muscles. He smirks as he flexes his bicep, and I grin even more, looking up at him. He holds my gaze for a moment before we both kind of lean into each other, our mouths falling against each other.

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