Chapter 3

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*3 Months Later (January 5, 2015)*

Hannah's POV

"Next!" I called out to the next Starbucks customer.

After my father ripped Louis and I apart, we came back here to Doncaster, England. I got a job, here, at Starbucks, and going to move into a flat later today.

Yippee! Nothing like an eight hour coffee shop shift and moving for a great relaxing day!

I had my curly brown hair up in a pony tail, Starbucks apron and shirt, with black jeans, Starbucks hat, and black vans.

"What would you like?" I asked the fourteen year old girl standing infront of me texting on a IPhone 5 that had a case saying Felicite T on it.

I don't even have an IPhone!

"Um, a regular coffee, milk and three sugar for me. I'm waiting a reply from the others on what they want. It will only be a moment," She smiled, I did back.

Ding Noise.

"Alright, make that 4 of those regular coffees, and two coffee coolatas," She smiled.

"Kay, that will be," I typed on the till, "£18.97 and under what name?," I said and she was handing me £20.

"Felicite Tomlinson. Keep the change," She smiled.

My heart stopped. Didn't Louis mention having a sister named Phoebe? Could this be her? He was from around here I believe... It can't be.

"Alright, next!" I yelled.

Phoebe went to the wall, going back on her phone.

"FELICITE TOMLINSON!" Yelled my coworker Jenna.

Phoebe went up to Jenna, taking the six mugs into her hands and going into a car parked outside.

When she opened the door, I looked in and saw a somewhat familiar face.

Nah, that can't be him.

I opened the door to my unfurnished flat.

"Okay it's open!" I yelled to friends of my brothers who are helping me move for a hundred bucks each.

I'm close to bringing in a couch all by my self.

After we were done bringing in all my stuff, I made them leave.

With only £50 each. In ones.

I've been told I'm cruel.

I started unpacking but realized something.

"TO SPOTIFY I GO!" I yelled and pulled out my Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini phone.

Aka Crap.

I started my All playlist, and of course it had to come on.

"SHE BE MY QUEEN, SINCE WE WERE SIXTEEN...." I sang, dancing around my flat.

"EVERYBODY WANNA STEAL MY GIRL. EVERYBODY WANNA-" I was singing but realized I have been being watched the WHOLE FREAKING TIME.

I looked out the window, seeing a familiar face in the window of the house across the street.


My eyes widened but I waved, her waving back. She lifted up her window and signaled me to do the same, so I did.

"Hi, Phoebe!"

"Hi, Starbucks worker!" She said.

I take it she recognized me.

"So tell me, is this just coincidental , are you stalking me, or are you a hunter working with Sam and Dean and there is a spirit in that building or in my house and you are here to protect me?" She asked, hoping for the last one.

"Yes, no, and sadly no. Im Hannah." I said.

"Phoebe, as you know. It's freezing but I'd like to get to know you more. Wanna come over?" Phoebe asked.

"I have to unpack...." I trailed off.

"Want help?" She asked,

"Sure, come right over. I just unpacked the coffee pot. I'll make us some," I said, closing the window.

About two minutes later there was a knock on the door.

I opened it, not expecting to see what I saw.

Felicite and Louis.

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