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" for the last 3 years i just hid it so well, hoping that you'd figure it out because i never could tell it straight to your face "


"Kei made me feel whole. He made me feel like I could take on whatever I wanted. I've loved him since middle school. If I knew I'd lose my chance so quickly, I would've told him how I felt sooner..." I said, looking down. "If you guys were so close then why didn't you tell him before?" Hinata asked me. "I hid my feelings for the last three years because I was always too scared to say it to his face. I just hope that somewhere in his intelligence he'd figure it out. By the way he was acting today, I thought he figured it out but when I walked him home so I could confess, a girl called him love..." I winced at the memory. "Oh my god.... I'm sorry, Aura.. I didn't know that that was what happened. Your mother just told us you were heartbroken... You don't deserve this!" Daichi exclaimed. 

"I know..." I muttered. I climbed into my bed and faced the wall. "Get up. We're going out." Kageyama said as he pulled the blanket off me. "No. I refuse." I say, pulling the blanket back on. The boys all pulled the blanket and I groaned. "Whyyyyy?" "Because you need to take your mind off of him. He doesn't deserve your tears, nor your tears." Asahi said.  I sat up and rubbed my head. I stood up and grabbed some clothes from my closet. "I'll go change in the bathroom, I guess," I said, walking to the bathroom. I put the clothes on and walked out. The boys were just sitting in different parts of my room, like they always do when they come over, except this time almost everything was different. Kei and Yamaguchi weren't here, a few of the boys were tapping their foot, they all looked... stressed..? No no, worried was the right word. "I'm dressed..." I said, and the boys looked up at me. "I just need to do my hair now," I said as I sat in front of my vanity. While I was brushing my hair, I couldn't help but look at the boys through the mirror. They looked the same as they did before I walked in the room. I did my hair in a loose half-up half-down style. I grabbed my phone, some gum, and a purse to put my stuff in. "Let's go?" I said, looking at them. "Yep!" They all got up and we put our shoes on and left. 

I had no clue where they were taking me but they all seemed to know where we were going so my guess is that they talked about it while I was changing. I just followed the boys and talked to some of the boys on our way. "Aura." I turn around to see who called my name and saw Tobio walking over. "Yes, Tobio?" I tilted my head. "I have something to tell you, but I'll tell you when we're alone." He said, looking down. "Okay... So, how was you guys' practice match with Date Tech?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation going. "Pretty good. We won the first set but they took the second set. Since it was a tie, we had to play a third set and we won 27 to 25." He replied. "Oh, that's pretty good considering they're the "great" and "mighty" Iron Wall." I said, with air quotes. "Yeah." He laughed. "Do you guys have any more matches planned?" I said, looking up at him. "Teacher Takeda hasn't told us about any yet but I'm assuming we'll have another soon." He rubbed his chin. "Oh, okay. That's good." I replied. "Did you guys get to use the quick attack in the match?" I asked. "Yea-" Tobio was trying to say when Hinata cut him off. "YES! It was so cool! I hit it so hard it got through Kogane's block! It went BAM and POOM on the ground!" Hinata grinned. "Oi! Boke, Hinata, boke!" Tobio growled. I giggled and saw Hinata turn ghost white. "Sorry, Kageyama!" He started backing away to Daichi and that made me laugh even more. 

Before I knew it, we were at the place. They brought me to the park...? Why? "Come on, Aura! Let's play volleyball!" Hinata said, pulling my arm to the volleyball court. "Ah!" I yelp. "Be careful, Shoto! Don't hurt our queen!" Noya and Tanaka screamed, which made me giggle. He let me go and quickly grabbed the volleyball out of his bag. "Can you toss for me, Aura-san?" Hinata pulled his puppy eyes out. "How could I say no to you?" I giggled. "Yay!" He exclaimed. 

A few seconds later the others got there and we decided to play a four on four game. I played with the third years, and the second and other first years were on a team. Suga-senpai tossed to me and I did a cross spike onto their side of the court. "Wahhhh!" Hinata gasped. "When did you get so good, Aura?" "I used to be the ace of my middle school team." I grinned. I double high-fived Daichi-senpai and Asahi-senpai, while Suga-senpai just shouted "Nice kill!" We were winning 18 to 16. It felt like a long shot but I wanted to try a quick attack, something similar to Hinata and Tobio's. I whispered my plan to Suga-senpai and he nodded. It was Asahi-senpai's turn to serve so he served and the action started. 

Noya received the ball and Tanaka yelled to Tobio to get the last one. "Not on my watch.." I whispered under my breath. I saw Hinata running before Tobio even got the ball so I knew he was doing the quick. I ran to the direction the ball went to and jumped, touching the ball. Hinata's eyes widened and I winked at him while grinning. Daichi-senpai received the ball and sent it to Asahi. Asahi-senpai sent it to Suga-senpai and I started running. Suga-senpai tossed the ball and I spiked. Their side of the court stood still with their eyes wide. "Alright!" I screamed. 

I high-fived everyone and turned to Tobio and Hinata. "Quick learner." I said as I smiled at them. "Wahhh! You're so cocky!" Tanaka yelled. "Because I'm the only one with balls here!" I yelled and bowed. They all burst out laughing at my inappropriate joke. "I didn't know you could make jokes like that Aura-chan!" Noya exclaimed. "I have a lot of secrets up my sleeve," I said as I smiled and pointed my head upwards. I heard clapping behind me and I turned around. My heart dropped when I saw Tsukishima and the girl from earlier standing at the back of the court. "Good job, Aura." He nodded at me. I turned around and started jogging as fast as I could in the opposite direction. "Aura!" Hinata screamed at me. "Why would you do that, Tsukishima?" I heard Tanaka grumble as I started to run. 

" for the last 3 years i just hid it so well, hoping that you'd figure it out because i never could tell it straight to your face "


1193 words.

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