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" kiss me before i lose my fucking mind "

Sitting on the dark beach, the sound of the waves felt so loud as I stared at Tsukishima, his arms wrapping around my waist. I was admiring his face as much as I could in the dark, looking down at his soft lips, "so kissable.." I thought. I so desperately wanted to wrap my arms around his neck and smash my lips onto his. I slowly felt the smell of his cologne fill my nose as our bodies got closer, yet the only part of us that was touching was his hand on my body. We were longing for each other's touch, yet we were too scared to initiate any form of touch. His cologne smelt like a fancy hotel, fancy suits, and leather loafers. His smell was rich, refreshing. All I wanted to do was admire his features, a soft aesthetically pleasing face that one could only wish to have, or only wish to be so close to. I felt a smile creep onto my face, delight filling my thoughts. I thought of all of the times I had wished to be this close to him and felt an urgency to be closer.  I looked into his eyes and sent a silent message. Our eyes connected and we understood. We understood that we both had the same need, the same want. I leaned in closer and looked up at him, waiting for any kind of approval, and his gaze was soft, needy. His face was calm, but his eyes told a different story. His eyes were telling me that he's been waiting for this, craving this. 

He nodded and I felt my face inch closer to his and my eyes started closing. As I leaned in closer, I felt his hand make its way to the side of my face and he pushed his lips onto mine. We melted into each other's arms and our kiss felt like a million stars lit the sky, fireworks covered the stars with bursts of red, gold, and green. I smiled into the kiss and felt butterflies crowd my stomach. I threw my arms around his shoulders and took in the fragrance of our scents mixing together. It felt like heaven, just pure bliss surrounding our energies. His tongue grazed against my lips, asking for permission to enter. So instantaneous to plunge into my mouth, so urgent. It pushed into my mouth and our tongues danced to the rhythm of our hearts. The kiss took control of my senses as it pushed to reach some untouchable area near my uvula, wiggling. The kiss has the power to bring myself to progress closer to him, feeling myself sit on his thighs. I felt helpless, controlled by his actions, my eyes clenched shut feeling hypnotized by his tongue. I felt my breath slowly fade away, yet I didn't pull away or even think to. I was so entranced by him, the slightest adjustments he made to his posture, when he slowly moved his hand down to my hips, and when he gently held my cheek in his hand. 

I hesitantly pulled away from the kiss, my eyes locking with his. I felt my chest rise and fall as I inhaled in and out, desperately grasping the air to intake. As our eyes were still caught on each other's, we smiled and felt all of the troubles of the world fall behind us. It felt as if it was our world and everyone else was just living in it, we were the protagonists of the world. I suddenly felt dizzy, maybe I was sick but I just wanted to be in his arms, never to leave again. His arms felt like a second home, perhaps it felt more like home than my actual house did. I crawled over and he held his arms out to me, signaling that he wanted me to cuddle with him. I giggled and crawled over, wrapping my arms around his torso. I sighed into his chest, "This is probably the best night of my life..." I listened carefully to his heartbeat, it was like music to my ears, playing loudly in my mind. Never faltering, or getting faint. I started humming a random lullaby and smiled, never had I imagined that I would be laying with my crush of three years on the beach at 3 in the morning, our arms intertwined. I felt special if I'm being honest. 

The feeling of being the only girl he'd do this for, sneaking out and having our first kiss on the beach at three in the morning, I mean. Yams and him have been friends since elementary school and I've never been told about a crush Tsukki's had. Never. And when I say never, I mean never. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard him ask me, "So, do you want an answer to whether or not I have a daddy kink?" I scoffed and felt a sudden urge to be cheeky, inconspicuous if you will. "Hm... I think I already know. What do you think, daddy?" I let it slip so casually yet I had to contain the fact that messing with him like this was very entertaining to me. I glanced up at him and saw through the dim street lights that he had blush covering his whole face. His beautiful, perfectly defined face... I could tell he was trying to think of an answer that would get me flustered in return, but it seemed he was struggling greatly. "Ah, I see. Well, I don't know, kitten. What do you want me to think?" My eyes quickly flicked from the sea to his face, he was wearing a smirk yet I could see through him. He's definitely embarrassed right now. "See, I honestly don't know what I want you to think. It shouldn't be up to me to decide what you think, right love?" I felt his arm slide down, nearing my waist. "I guess so. Forget about it, my dear." He said, leaving a kiss on the top of my head.

We laid still for a while. Neither of us felt like moving, we had been craving each other's touch for so long that we wanted to savor it as long as we could. Memories of the kiss flooded my mind, the feelings that flowed throughout my body were electric. Never in my life have I ever felt something so... real? Yeah. Real is the right word. I felt so vulnerable, yet safe in his arms. It was the best place to be, it made my head spin with foolish, careless teenage bliss. I kept my arms wrapped around him as I stared up at the sky, admiring the stars that lit the darkness down below. Nowhere else would I rather be right now, nowhere else can make me feel all of these emotions that flood my thoughts. I started to think about the others, and how much they helped me in the past few weeks. I smiled and nudged my head into his chest, "where did I find such great friends?" Was the last thought that filled my mind before I drifted into a peaceful, calming sleep.

My eyes fluttered open and I started looking around. "Where am I...?" I mumbled. "Oh. You're up." I glanced over to where the person's voice came from and saw Tsukki sitting there, playing on his phone. Memories came flowing back to me, the feeling in my stomach returned and I felt my face flush. "Wow..." I muttered and saw Tsukki glance at me. "We should go home now, before the sun comes up." He says, standing up and offering his hand to me. I plopped my hand into his and grasped it, pulling myself to my feet. I could barely move so I stretched my arms and legs, yawning as I went on. His hand brushed against mine and took it into his. Our hands, cold and intertwined, swung back and forth as we walked back to my house. 

We reached my house and he put both hands around my waist and gave me a lift. I pushed myself up on the window sill and climbed into my room. I turned around to offer my hand to give him a hand, but his tall ass was already turning in the window sill to come in. I stifled a laugh and jumped into bed, pulling the covers over myself yet leaving part of the bed uncovered so he could climb in as well. "Are you tired?" I questioned as he climbed into the bed and turned to face me, placing his hand on my waist. "Not really..." He tried to say, yet his body cut him off and decided to yawn. "Okay, let's go to sleep." I giggled and pushed closer to him, hiding my face in his shoulders. 

I smiled as I felt my eyes slowly drift close, my mind and body falling asleep, comfortable in where it was, who it was with, and when. As I drifted to sleep, I heard him say, "Goodnight, love." I fell asleep in his arms, again. An occurrence that isn't as uncommon as it used to be, thank God.

" kiss me before i lose my fucking mind "


1553 words :)

sorry for not updating in so long!

 i lost all motivation to continue writing and 

also forgot about this story, hehe...

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