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" no more nights, drinking to my loneliness up till 2 AM "

I woke up and felt the gentle rays of sun peeking through my newly opened curtains. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I searched the room for Tsukki, but my eyes were met with nothing. "Where'd he go..." I mumbled, still feeling quite groggy. I kicked my feet out from under the covers and walked downstairs to the kitchen, my feet dragging on the ground. My feet plopped against the stairs and I finally reached the bottom step. I made my way to the kitchen to see if maybe Tsukki was with my mom eating breakfast, but when I walked in I saw no one. Not even my mom, which was surprising considering she's always in the kitchen in the morning. My eyes flew past the oven clock and I had to backtrack. "1 P.M?!" I yelped, it was a little bit dramatic but I didn't realize I slept in that long. No wonder mom and Tsukki weren't home! Tsukki was either at practice or home, considering it is already afternoon. I flopped onto one of the couches and scrolled through my Twitter timeline.

*timeskip ; around 2 hours later*

I decided to pick my ass up off the couch and head to Tsukki's house and bring him some strawberry shortcake. I carefully placed it in the container sideways and placed some strawberry garnishes on the side. I smiled, put the lid on it, and put it in a paper bag so I could carry it properly. I put my headphones in, locked the door, and left. I hummed to the beat of the songs that played as I walked. I looked up at the clouds and saw the beautiful blue sky, I was finally experiencing what it was like to see the sky and smile at it. I walked for around 5 more minutes until I reached Tsukki's house. I was so excited I skipped up the stairs to his house! I lifted my hand to knock but the door swung open before I could even touch it. 

It was the girl from before, but she looked different. She was clearly upset about something, considering her face and the way she swung the door open. She frowned when she saw me so I frowned back and moved to the side as fast as I could, yet she still bumped shoulders with me. "Jesus-" I couldn't even finish before I saw Tsukki scowling while walking toward the door. "What happened?" I said, looking back and forth between the two. "I said something somewhat mean and she got really whiney and annoying so I said something meaner and this happened," he rolled his eyes and continued. "If I don't fix this before my mom gets home I'm screwed. She wants me to treat her with respect as if I'm not being respectful right now." I glanced over at her, her cheeks were puffed and her arms were crossed. She looked really fucking stupid, let me just say. "Whatever..." He turned around and walked back into the house, "Come in." I took one more glance back at the girl and saw her eyeing me. Weird. I stepped in and slipped my shoes off, following him to his room where I've gone plenty of times before. 

I put the bag down gently on his desk and then plopped onto his bed, wrapping my legs around his fluffy blanket. "What is it?" He asked, peeking into the bag. "Open it." My voice was muffled by the blanket, but I'm sure he heard me because I heard the paper crackling. I listened intently and heard a silent gasp, which made me giggle. "Do you have a sixth sense or something? I was really craving shortcake." He laughed, and I smiled into the covers. "I just felt like you'd enjoy it." I felt him pull the covers away from my face and he planted a soft kiss on my forehead. "Well, I'm going to enjoy it as soon as I eat." He winked at me and sat at his desk, staring down at the cake. Probably admiring it. I stared at him with a smile, "Go on, try it!" I leaned forward, my hands supporting me as I leaned closer and closer. 

He picked up the fork and cut a piece off and then excitedly shoved it in his mouth. He had a blank look on his face as he turned around to look at me. "Hmm..." I rolled my eyes and grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it as fast as I could. He blocked it with his forearm and I couldn't help but be impressed. "Okay, Mr. Middle Blocker!" I giggled, but he just scoffed at me. "So, how is it?" I looked up at him and he was staring at me. "It's perfect, Aura, thank you." He smiled at me and I couldn't help but blush. "O-of course." I rolled onto my back and stared at the glow in the dark stars that were on his ceiling. "You still have those?" I slapped my hand to my mouth and darted my eyes to him. "I was too lazy to take them down, and plus, they're special to me." His gaze was focused on the ceiling, but my eyes couldn't help but travel his face, studying his expression, his features. My eyes made their way down to his lips, and as much as I wanted to keep going upwards, my gaze was stuck on his lips. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2020 ⏰

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