Chapter 8- The discussion

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It was morning again which meant time for school, I had my bath and dressed up wearing a hoodie and jeans with a pair of sneakers so I went downstairs for breakfast. I met my mom and greeted her and I sat for breakfast which consisted of pancakes, I had to wait a little at home because I was waiting for Kiki, We had already become a lot closer and very good friends at that.

She had finally arrived ''Good morning Mrs. Anderson, ''my mom replied ''you must be Kiki, leia's friend. How are you doing, I'm fine Mrs. Anderson, thank you. Hey Leia! Are you ready to go? Yes, we should be on our way now. Mom!! I'm going now ''bye honey'', have a good day, Thanks mum. I checked my time it was already 7:45 am and school starts by 8:00am, we were running late. Kiki we have to hurry up ''yes I know''' so we finally made it to school like 5 minutes before 8 but we had to run because neither of us had a car.

We got to our class surprisingly we had almost all our classes together and we had literature now. So we went to look for empty desks to sit on and we found four, we sat on two and left the other one for whoever and guess who just entered the class too Luke and Dave.

I turned to see Kiki and saw that she was so nervous beside me but was trying so hard to cover it up. I was quite confused but I decided on not to ask her yet. She finally saw me looking at her '' Leia why are you staring at me? Is there anything on my face, I chuckled and asked her why she was nervous and she told me that she would tell me later that this is not the right time nor the right place to talk, so I told her okay that later we would talk and she nodded.

Both boys had to sit beside us because those were the only available sits left in the class. They sat down and Luke tried to make small talks with me but I avoided him, I didn't want to talk to him. So I exchanged sits with Kiki. He smirked and he didn't move and I was glad because I didn't know what I felt towards him at all and I didn't want it becoming worse. Finally the teacher came into the class and we started.

''Good day class, so today we would be studying poems, open to chapter 5 of your text books and after the class I would give you all an assignment and it would be consist of two people in each group for now you can all choose your partners but subsequent classes I would choose a partner for each of you is that clear? We all replied ''yes teacher''. So he read the text book ''A poem is a piece of writing in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity involving rhythm.

There are three types; Narrative, dramatic and lyrical. He went on and on, the class was actually not boring it was lively because he used illustrations so the class finally ended and he gave us the assignment to write a poem about pain, I asked Kiki to be my partner and she agreed. So we left the class because we had PE Next. So we left to change and went for the class.

We had a game of dodge ball the blue team vs red team. The blue team won the game went on after wards we went for lunch. I had to buy lunch but Kiki had brought some from home we went to look for a table and we saw one and sat there.

As we were eating Dave and Luke joined us, how convenient.
I know this wasn't really a cliff hanger but I just had to end it here
I'll see you all in the next chapter,

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