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"HOW DARE THAT GREEN EYE DEVIL SAY I WOULD BE HER WIFE!" Camila raged as they made their way out the castle.

"Camila calm down, you're drawing attention." Normani mutters softly.

"Do she not understand no!?" Camila asked still fuming.

"Look at the brightside-" Normani tried to speak but Camila cuts her off.

"There's no brightside, Mani." Camila turned that option down causing Normani to roll her eyes.

"There is, we won't be separated and if you want something that Lauren won't grant you I'll just ask Dinah." Normani explained.

"Hm, I like your style." Camila smirked as Normani sighed in relief that her sister stopped yelling.

"Can we leave now?" Normani asked her parents as soon as they walked up to the carriage.

"Well how did go?" Andrea asked.

"You wouldn't believe it-" Normani starts.

"They called us ugly and want to banish us because we look like trolls." Camila teased causing Sofi to laugh as Normani giggled.

"Will you two be serious?" Alejandro huffed.

"Well Prince Dinah came up to Normani basically under Normani spell and asked Normani to be her wife. Then Prince Dinah grinch of a sister came up to me saying she wants me to be hers and I just want to rip out he-" Camila explained before getting cut off.

"Are you serious!?" Andrea squealed.

"I wasn't finished." Camila crossed her arms.

"This is amazing Mija." Alejandro smiled brightly.

As they get on their carriage, Dinah runs out catching Normani attention.

"Sorry to stop you." Dinah take deep breaths clearly out of it.

"It's no worries what's wrong?" Normani asked putting her hand lightly on Dinah's chest.

Lauren comes up next to her sister, walking, with her hands in her pockets.

"Our mother wants us to invite you and your sister tomorrow for dinner." Dinah push outs and Camila cross her arms.

"We'll be there." Camila confirmed and Normani nodded.

"To confirm that, we have to come get you ourselves." Lauren flicked her hair out her face like an anime boy.

"Oh just great, do you hate us I mean me?" Camila asked pointing at the sky.

"Are you speaking to our uncle?" Lauren asked looking up as Dinah hits Lauren lightly.

"Did your uncle die?" Normani asked looking down shyly.

"Oh Lord, this one is so innocent." Lauren snorts causing Camila to get in her face.

"Don't dare speak about my sister you wrench." Camila warned.

"Relax babes." Lauren smirked as Camila face turns red.

"Camila." Normani called causing her to release the breath she held in.

"I'll go sit in the carriage." Camila smiled innocently and walked away.

Normani sighed and turned to Dinah who was looking away from the scene.

"I should go." Normani tells Dinah as her parents step out the carriage.

"Well...can i get a hug?" Dinah looked down with a blush as Lauren snorted.

Normani wrapped her arms around Dinah's neck and Dinah snuggled into the warmth. When they pulled away, Normani landed a sweet kiss on Dinah's cheek causing her to blush more as Lauren stopped laughing with a roll of her eyes.

"See you tomorrow." Normani turned around and Dinah saw it in slow motion as her jaw hung a little.

Her family entered the carriage and Tori ushered for the horses to continued.

"Finally, this day is over." Lauren mutters walking back into the castle as Dinah still stood with a hand on her cheek.

She look up to see Sofi, Normani, and Camila waving back at her causing her to do the same with a smile.

Soon enough it's tomorrow and their mother's going crazy.

"Y'all are growing up so fast!" Their mother squealed kissing their cheeks repeatedly.

"Mom we love you but can you relax?" Lauren asked with a toothpick in her mouth as she laid on the couch.

"Lauren you relax, she only cares for us." Dinah got up and hugged their mother.

"Right..." Lauren rolled her eyes before getting up swiftly.

As soon as it hit 5:00 pm, their mother ushered them out the house immediately.

"Be back as quick as possible." She says and they look at each other.

"I'll have a full head of grey if she don't stop." Lauren muttered causing Dinah to laugh as they went along their journey.

"Karla wake up!" Alejandro used her face name causing her to groan.

"Can you like not?" Camila asked.

"Get dress now." Alejandro face palms himself as Camila groans even louder before dragging herself out of bed.

Muttering many things under her breath, her and Normani was ready to get dress. Andrea sat down and caught their attention with a clap.

"Now you have to sit like a lady, like this." Andrea sat in a lady posture and Normani mimicked while Camila slouched in her chair.

"This is stupid." Camila mumbled.

"Can I go, can I go?" Sofi asked in her little princess dress twirling.

"Sure." Normani giggled as she jumped up and down.

"Absolutely not." Alejandro denied.

"Why? Don't you want a house to you and Mom?" Camila teased causing Alejandro to blush as Andrea tapped her lightly.

"Ah, there are here." Andrea quickly changes the subject before making her to the door.

As Dinah and Lauren got off their horses, they saw the door open and bowed.

"Afternoon Ms..." Dinah greeted.

"Afternoon Prince Dinah and Prince Lauren." Andrea bowed as if with her dress.

Sofi push pass her mother and runs up to Lauren.

"Hi!" Sofi jumps.

"Hello." Lauren waved.

"Excuse her, she's a little excited." Normani speaks up causing both princes to look at their future wives.

Both their jaw dropped slightly and Normani closed Dinah's.

"You're drooling." Normani tells her before giving a hug.

Dinah honestly felt like she's in heaven.

"Sofi get out the demon face." Camila crossed her arms and Sofi pouted as Lauren rolled her eyes.

"Yo DJ, let's get back already." Lauren tell Dinah who snaps back into reality.

"Uh yeah, step here." Dinah ushered helping Normani on the horse.

Camila pick Sofi up and help her on the horse before getting on herself. Lauren looked impressed as she helped herself onto the animal. Soon enough they took off back to the castle.

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