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"Welcome ladies, gents, and everything in between to this love ceremony and celebration. Today we broadcast this marriage to you all and congratulate my children and their future wives on this honorable day. Please cheer on the future they will bring to the kingdom and welcome them into the royal family as one!" Hades roared and the whole kingdom cheered as Dinah bowed.

Camila smacks Lauren on the back of her head causing Lauren to growl before bowing as well.

"Did you tame her?" Megan smirked at Camila who shakes her head with a small smile on her lips.

"I'm just more unbearable, Hi Tori!" Camila yelled causing everyone in the crowd to die down quickly and Normani hid her giggle while the royal family just grumbles.

Normani interlocks her hands with Dinah and smile up at the girl, Dinah looks down at her hands then at Normani returning the smile. Camila waved at everyone she noticed before she was pulled back by Lauren.

"Anyways, onto the ceremony." Persephone bowed slightly then made her way back into the castle, with everyone following behind her carefully.

"Mother." Dinah called and everyone came to a halt.

"Yes Dinah." Persephone turns towards her with a small smile.

"I would love to have my wedding in Olympus." Dinah places her hand over her heart and bowed.

"Can she even survive in Olympus?" Lauren ran a hand through her hair.

"She's Isis, I'm sure she'll be fine." Hades states.

"Won't the big Gods be there?" Normani mentions, a little nervously.

"They aren't as bad as humans make them out to be...well half truthfully and we won't be near them. I promise." Dinah kissed Normani hands softly and Normani sighed.

"I don't know Dinah." Normani mumbled before looking down.

"I don't see why not." Hades shrugged.

"Then this is where we separate my dear sister, I am having my wedding here." Camila place her hands on her hips with a big smile.

"Oh, then I hope all goes well." Normani pulls Camila into a hug and Camila hug back with a large amount of love.

When they separated, Dinah transformed into her God formed and held out her hand for Normani, who takes it without hesitation. They soon disappear and Camila turns to Lauren who has her hands in her pockets, as usual.

"Are you two not joining her?" Lauren wonders.

"No, we'll stay for you. She wants a private wedding anyways." Persephone pulls out her camera and snap a photo of the two as Lauren furrows her eyebrows together in confusion.

"I'll grab your family and friends, go get prepared for the wedding." Hades instructed and they nod.

Hades vanishes and Persephone guides Camila to where she'll get change. Lauren is ushered to a dressing room where she is quickly tailored and fitted into a suit. Everything is happening so fast to her and it was honestly stressing her out. Lauren stuff her hands back in her pocket, fiddling with the ring that Demeter, her grandmother had given her when she was young. Lauren looked around before she is met by the priest is who stunned to see Lauren already waiting there.

"Sorry if I'm late." The short woman wipes her hand before she grabs her bible.

"You're not late, I'm just getting away from everyone." Lauren shook her head with a sigh like growl.

"Cold feet?" She rose her eyebrows.

"Hm?" Lauren looked up at the girl.

"It's when you're nervous for a wedding." She laughs softly.

"I'm not nervous, I could care less about this stupid damn wedding." Lauren kicked the rug lightly.

"Please, I'm a priest." She held up her hand.

"Sorry, excuse my language." Lauren sat down.

"To which one were you marrying again?" The woman began to set up the alter.

"The short one." Lauren replies.

"Ah I see, she seems to be the opposite of you." She rose her eyebrows.

"We're more a like than you think, my sister and her soon to be wife are the complete opposite of me though." Lauren points out.

"Do you have feelings for your sister's soon to be wife, I seen the way you stare at them?" She continued to ask questions.

"No, I don't think it's that." Lauren sighed heavily, pulling out the ring from her pocket.

"You don't think so?" She opened the bible and scanned through to the section she needed to be in.

"I'm not the type of person to catch feelings anyway." Lauren shook her head.

"Seems to me like you're in denial." She muttered, but Lauren heard her of course.

"What is your name priest?" Lauren stood up, now asking the questions.

"My name is Allyson." The small woman finally introduced.

"I'll just call you Ally then, I really do only like to mess around with woman. My parents forced me into this ordeal." Lauren explained.

"The king and queen, interesting. They only need one heir to the throne so I don't see why you have to agree to such terms." Ally tells her and Lauren opened her mouth to speak but nothing comes out.

She is speechless, never thought about that. Why did Hades need her and Dinah to get married and have kids if only one of them will inherit the throne, that person likely being Dinah as well. Lauren shakes her head and sits back down, fiddling with the ring even more before running a stressful hand through her hair. People began piling into the castle and Lauren took a deep breath. When she opens her eyes, her eyes trail up the woman standing in front of her slowly. It was Camila, but she never seen Camila in something so different than from who Camila portrays. Lauren stands up and stuff her hands back into her pocket.

"Ready to get this over with?" Camila genuinely asked and Lauren nods.

"Yeah..." She trailed off as they move to stand across the little stage from each other.

Ally give them a soft small before beginning the ceremony, as it continues, Lauren's anxiety grew more and now she understood why her parents weren't paying attention to her anymore. Camila obviously noticed the nerves practically ejecting from the older girl's body, so she placed her hand on Lauren's chest causing Ally to stop.

"Relax Lauren." Camila whispered feeling the heart nearly beating out of her chest.

Lauren hated the eyes, she liked being in the shadows, and she wanted to punch herself for always causing a scene when she could've been enjoying her peace more often. Her heart did slow down a bit and Camila removed her hand with a sigh of relief. Things will hopefully change for the better after today, and Lauren is scared of the outcome.

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